“I come to Lunel to highlight the voluntarism of the communities” assures the Minister of Internal Security, Nicolas Daragon

"I come to Lunel to highlight the voluntarism of the communities" assures the Minister of Internal Security, Nicolas Daragon

Nicolas Daragon, le ministre de la sécurité du quotidien. MAXPPP – Alexandre MARCHI

Nicolas Daragon, le ministre de la sécurité du quotidien effectue son premier déplacement à Lunel ce vendredi 4 octobre. Il accorde à Midi Libre sa première interview.

What scope does this new Ministry of Daily Security cover? ?

There have already been ministers who were the right-hand men of the Ministers of the Interior, such as Brice Hortefeux or Robert Pandraud. The Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, will lead the general policy of the Ministry, and I will be in charge of the security continuum. That is to say, everything that makes it work between all the security players. It goes from private security to municipal police. I have some expertise on the subject as Mayor of Valence.

There is also work with the internal security forces, even if the police and the gendarmerie remain under the direct jurisdiction of the Minister of the Interior, and transport security. Last point: civil security, for which Michel Barnier announced that he was relaunching the Beauvau. This will also be the case for municipal police forces. And there will also be issues related to the cybersecurity of our fellow citizens.

You have a dedicated budget?

I am fully attached to the budget of the Ministry of the Interior. The civil security budget is attached to it. For other subjects, we are on budgets that are both integrated into the Ministry of the Interior, and especially in partnership with local authorities. Because they are the responsibility of mayors for the municipal police, of Departments for firefighters, of Regions for regional transport.

So you are not at the head of a ministry that would be above all a symbol?

The Beauvau of civil security will allow us to rebuild its model. Because from now on, firefighters are called to provide ambulance transport, or to situations that do not correspond to their original missions, because the areas subject to fires, due to global warming, are much more numerous… We therefore have a general organization issue and a funding issue.

On municipal police: it is now the third force, with an increase of almost 40% in personnel in ten years. And yet, many of their possibilities for action are limited. We will work to improve this situation. On transport, we will focus on stations and urban transport, we can intervene. All of this would be symbolic? I would like us to be judged on the test of our actions.

Why did you choose Lunel for your first official trip ?

I am coming to Lunel to inaugurate an urban supervision center. It is the mayors who build them and it costs them a lot of money. So, coming here, even if there is financial support from the State, is to highlight the voluntarism of the communities, of the mayor of Lunel in particular.

So when a mayor makes the effort to equip his municipality with video protection and to have a municipal police force when it is not mandatory, it is important that the State facilitates things and welcomes them. On the subject of municipal police forces, nothing will be without the opinion of the mayors and in particular of the AMF.

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