“I have come to settle my scores”: armed with a rifle, he kills three of his former colleagues and commits suicide on the company premises

“I have come to settle my scores”: armed with a rifle, he kills three of his former colleagues and commits suicide on the company premises

Le septuagénaire avait également enfermé deux femmes dans les toilettes que la police a pu évacuer. – Stefan Rousseau

Ce lundi 12 février 2024, un homme s'est introduit dans les locaux d’une compagnie maritime dans la banlieue d’Athènes et a tué trois employés avant de se suicider.

The man appeared in the premises of the shipping company European Product Carriers this Monday, February 12 in the morning before killing three people with a rifle: two men and a woman. He then barricaded himself in the company premises.

A former employee of the shipping company

The assailant, whose identity is not known, was later found dead "in the basement floor of the building with his rifle next to him", according to a police source at AFP. "According to initial information, it seems that he committed suicide", according to an office worker, relayed by 7sur7.be.

The man was presented by Greek media as a former dismissed employee of the maritime company. Aged 70 and of Egyptian origin, he reportedly shouted before shooting: "I have come to settle my accounts today".

The septuagenarian had also locked two women in the toilets which the police were able to evacuate.

A large police force was deployed around the premises of the European Product Carriers company while the surrounding streets were closed off to traffic.

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