“I presented a Paralympic medal”: protocol, attire, attitudes to respect… Kamel Chibli tells

"I presented a Paralympic medal": protocol, attire, attitudes to respect... Kamel Chibli tells

Kamel Chibli, à gauche, a remis des médailles paralympiques lors de Paris 2024. DR

The vice-president of the Occitanie region, Kamel Chibli, presented medals on four different podiums at these Paralympic Games. Protocol, announcement, outfit… It's a whole system to respect.

It's a little personal pride to glorify a champion. But this little pride must remain discreet, always with restraint. Presenting an Olympic or Paralympic medal requires rules, it's not just a moment of pleasure to enjoy.

Kamel Chibli, vice-president of the Occitanie region, handed out four during the Paralympics. As a member of the Paris 2024 Board of Directors for eight years, the Olympic Games Organising Committee contacted him. “A month and a half ago, the Cojo asked us to be “presenters”. We thought that we would only give out the gifts, but no, it was for the medals. Three weeks later, we were informed of the sports (shot put, javelin, badminton, swimming in his case). In general, you don't really say that you have swimming or a meeting that day, you just go there", smiles one of the right-hand men of Carole Delga, president of the Occitanie region.

"You have to remain as modest as possible"

Once the validation is given, "you receive a 10-page document" on all the conditions to be respected on the day. "They insist on several points. First, the behavior to have. You have to be neutral. We must not wear ostentatious, religious, political or institutional symbols. Proper attire is required. And above all, it is the athlete's moment, not that of the presenter. We must remain as modest as possible,", explains Kamel Chibli.

He continues: "Then, there is the disability dimension to take into account. Depending on this, we must adapt."

Once these conditions are met, there is still a little room to enjoy the moment. “It's a lot of emotions. They are extraordinary athletes. I was a little embarrassed, I wondered a little what I was doing there. I was very moved. You see the medal, you touch it. Being at the Stade de France, in my country, there is something to be proud of. And there was a little bit of the Occitanie region present in Paris”, assures the elected official, rarely the last to slip in a chauvinistic word.

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