In 2023, 1,344 arrested people were taken to the police station by Béziers municipal police officers

In 2023, 1,344 arrested people were taken to the police station by Béziers municipal police officers

La sécurité de Béziers est toujours la priorité des élus municipaux. J.-P A. – Midi Libre

Désormais, la police municipale qui travaille à Béziers, mais aussi Cers, compte 124 personnels et 423 caméras de vidéo protection pour l'aider au quotidien dans ses interventions.

In Béziers, as everywhere in France, there is an increase in delinquency, in particular intra-family violence (Vif), drugs, alcohol. And a majority of Vif are linked to problems of drug and alcohol consumption, according to a study of cases, tried before the Béziers court.

A link between addiction and delinquency

"There is a direct link between delinquency and the consumption of narcotics and/or alcohol, assures Robert Ménard, the mayor of Béziers. Another thing that worries us a lot is the increase in traffic crime, itself linked in part to addiction problems. According to an analysis of the actions of the municipal police of Béziers, 25% of those accused are arrested by municipal police officers. And so at the start of 2024, twelve police officers and two video protection operators will join the security workforce in Béziers.

96 600 arrests in 2023

In 2023, nearly 96,900 arrests and 1,344 people were presented to the police station by 124 municipal police officers. Small anecdote, during this year which has just ended, PM cars covered 387,000 km. Furthermore, and to underline the brutality that took place during the arrests, it is noted that 31 municipal police officers were injured. "We noticed that the defendants make fun of the police. They are insulted and hit. There are some who wear their electronic bracelet as a decoration in their buttonhole."

Disengagement of the State

We can also see that, due to lack of resources, there are fewer national police officers on the streets at night than municipal police officers. "There is a disengagement from the State on this point. We transferred skills to municipal police officers, but without power. I mentioned it recently. How is it that the PM does not have access to the file of stolen cars ? We do not have the right to ask for identity papers, unless in flagrante delicto. You cannot open the trunk of a car. We cannot constantly ask for more from the municipal police without giving them more power. At least the minimum."

However, it is easy to verify that the majority of municipal police officers come from the national police forces or even the gendarmerie and are familiar with the workings of these means. Furthermore, and still with regard to the state's commitment to security in Béziers, the arrival of 17 additional police officers had been announced. According to the unions, taking into account those who left and who were not replaced, there are ultimately only three additional.

Concern for the Feria

The coming year is a source of concern for the security of the Feria. "We worry. It’s true, insists Robert Ménard. We have moved the date of the Feria. What will happen to the CRS this year ? We are waiting and waiting. Will we have police officers as reinforcements this year ? That’s a real question."

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