In Alès in Cévennes, the municipality invites traders and artisans to apply for the Christmas market

In Alès in Cévennes, the municipality invites traders and artisans to apply for the Christmas market

Chalets du marché de noël de la ville d’Alès en décembre 2023. Midi Libre – Alexis Béthune

Le marché de Noël de la ville d’Alès se tiendra du mercredi 4 décembre au mardi 31 décembre 2024. Les professionnels désirant disposer d’un chalet peuvent d’ores et déjà candidater.

Christmas doesn't wait in Alès! Despite the heat and the fact that the start of the school year is only two weeks away, the municipality is already talking about Christmas because organizing such an event cannot be prepared at the last minute.

And it starts with the market planned on the forecourt of the Cratère from Wednesday, December 4, 2024 until the end of the month. The city is therefore launching a call for expressions of interest (AMI). Traders, craftsmen or producers who wish to benefit from one of the chalets installed for the market can respond. The price of the space made available is 150 euros including tax per week.

Criteria to know before applying

The City of Alès will give priority to professionals who showcase quality food products from short supply chains, products from the arts and crafts and craftsmen offering quality products. Strong involvement, stand animation and promotion of the chalets made available are expected.” can be read on the agglomeration's website. All the information can be found on the website of the Mag.

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