IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Weather alert: flood in Hérault, snowstorm in Lozère, winds at 140km/h… depression Monica hits Occitanie

IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Weather alert: flood in Hérault, snowstorm in Lozère, winds at 140km/h... depression Monica hits Occitanie

La région fait face à la dépression Monica. X (Twitter)/Midi Libre

This Saturday, March 9, 2024, part of the region is placed on orange alert due to the passage of depression Monica. Strong winds, showers, floods… we take stock of the bad weather in Occitania. 

Storm Monica has been raging in the region since Friday and is expected to continue causing severe weather until tomorrow. To be expected: further showers, gusts of up to 140 km/h in the heights and risks of significant flooding in the Gard and Hérault. 

Already this afternoon, heavy precipitation has swept Hérault, Gard and Lozère, all three placed on orange alert by Météo France. We take stock of the situation. 

Lots of swell on the Hérault coast 

The coastline is also placed on yellow wave-submersion alert. On the coasts of Hérault, a significant swell is noted by Internet users who share the images on X (Twitter). This afternoon, a kitesurfer disappeared in Grau-du-Roi. According to those close to him, he was at sea. 

This afternoon in its new weather forecast, Météo France placed l'Hérault, le Gard, la Lozère,  l'Ardèche, Haute-Loire, Loire, Var, Alpes-Maritimes, Gironde and Charente-Maritime on orange alert for wind, floods, rain -flooding and avalanches. 

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