In Millau, rue Droite celebrates summer in the rain…

In Millau, rue Droite celebrates summer in the rain…

The folk group still had time to play for about thirty minutes. Midi Libre – Millau

The traders' night was interrupted by the storm.

A meeting that the people of Millau were hoping to note in their agenda… For the second year in a row, "rue Droite celebrates summer" took over the commercial artery of the city center from 5 p.m.

Supported by the association of traders on the street linking Boulevard de l'Ayrolle to Place des Consuls, the initiative aims to showcase businesses while providing a festive atmosphere throughout the evening.

And to make this evening event a success, artists were expected to liven up the street. Including Lo Gantieirelo, a folk music and dance group, and Les Zitas, a Parisian pop quartet. A great program that was ultimately thwarted by the rain. See you next summer!

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