In Nevers, ASBH third row William Van Bost expects a “difficult” match

In Nevers, ASBH third row William Van Bost expects a "difficult" match

Sur le banc à Nevers, Van Bost devra apporter sa fraîcheur lors de son entrée en jeu.

Après un week-end de coupure, les Biterrois sont de retour sur les près avec un déplacement à Nevers, ce vendredi, à 19 h 30, au stade du Pré fleuri.

Did the break do the group any good ?

Of course, the first part of the season is made up of fairly substantial blocks, five games for the first, six for this one. It's important to have a large squad to be able to be present for all the games.

You're on the podium, are you within the split times set at the start of the season ?

Compared to last year, we're a little ahead. But I think we have to stay quite humble about this first part of the championship. We have some very big matches coming up in this block, we will have to stay in the top 6.

Exactly, how do you envisage this second very dense block ?

It is often the block that determines the rest, last year, we were efficient at that time. We hope to be there again this season.

You won in Nice and Valence-Romans, you came very close in Aurillac, how come Béziers is performing so well away this year ?

Honestly, I have no explanation. Against Nevers, it will be a different match, the teams were not necessarily in place on the first block, now, they will be.

How do you judge Nevers?

It is a fairly tough team, which wages war in quite a few areas. We expect a tough, hard-fought game.

What will be the keys to this match ?

The rucks, we know they are very good at that so that will be important. Then, obviously, the forwards' play. But I think there will be quite a few other factors, especially in a first block match. Our three-quarters also want to take the lead a bit so I can't say one in particular.

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