In Nîmes, a very satisfactory season for Promolive with more than 2,500 liters of olive oil coming out of the micromill

In Nîmes, a very satisfactory season for Promolive with more than 2,500 liters of olive oil coming out of the micromill

Un bilan très satisfaisant pour Promolive cette saison. Promolive

Promolive, l'association pour la promotion de l'olivier en pays nîmois, a dressé le bon bilan de la récolte et de la trituration qui se termine mi-janvier. 

The Promolive micromill, the association for the Promotion of Olivier in the Nîmes region, has taken stock of the olive harvest and the 2023-2024 crushing season which ends in mid-January. The 250 families of family olive growers in Nîmes and its region entrust each year with the production of olive oil from the olive trees in their gardens.

The president of Promolive Luc Poulain d'Andecy can show a big smile. "The association's micromill operated at full capacity this year with 17 tonnes of crushed olives for a production of more than 2,500 liters of oil. With 80 additional members and a year particularly rich in olives, we have more than tripled our production, entirely returned to our members in cans. I think that our private and cooperative mill friends also had an excellent year."

A very curious year

Luc Poulain d'Andecy speaks of a very curious year in the end: "The growth of the tree two years ago was correct, so wood, for good harvest potential, was present. The flowering was real without being exceptional. The basis was therefore there. It was at the level of pollination and drought that things were more complex and above all very irregular, at least in the Nîmes region, the territory of our members. Many experienced a very good harvest, some unprecedented, but others almost nothing. The September rains, sometimes very localized, allowed the tree to keep its olives and the resumption of lipogenesis without being able to catch up."

Which explains this year considered atypical for family olive growers with olives which had difficulty darkening (characteristic of Picholine) and ripening "but with a satisfactory yield.&quot ;

This gave "an oil of excellent quality, very fruity and remained fiery until the end. An excellent harvest for some and an average harvest for others means that the 2023/24 vintage will still have been very satisfactory."

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