In Nîmes, where is the fervor after the Olympic Games ?

In Nîmes, where is the fervor after the Olympic Games ?

L'impact économique des JO ne s'est pas vraiment ressenti dans le centre-ville nîmois. Midi Libre – Midi Libre

In this break between the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Midi Libre team wondered about their place in Nîmes life. And it would seem that this is not the priority…

This Monday, August 12, the day after the closing ceremony of the Games, the French began to come back down to Earth when they saw the medal counter frozen. This moment of Olympic life and this political stop, so particular, were not perceived in the same way in Nîmes. While the capital (among others) vibrated during the sporting exploits, the people of Nîmes were calmer while taking a few glances. Indeed, on Boulevard Victor-Hugo, the city's usual party venue, the bars and restaurants are not full.

At Café Olive, we don't feel any real increase in numbers compared to other times of the year. And it's not for lack of trying. During French team matches, the screens outside don't really have an impact. "We just feel that during lunch service people want to be inside because we have a screen", says the manager.

“There is no economic impact, but we suspected it a little bit”

On the Bar Joe side, “there is no economic impact, but we suspected it a little bit”, he said, drawing lessons from previous experiences. With the Games at home, “people watch” all the same during peak times. "But it's still positive because it brings something to watch in August when normally it's a period when there's nothing on TV to watch". In addition, "it still gives a great image of France, the images we have on TV are really very positive and very very beautiful". This attractive visibility could have an impact on foreign tourists, taking advantage of the opportunity to discover other corners of France.

According to the Gard Tourisme report, “foreign customers […] see their volume of overnight stays increase in July 2024 by 14 %" compared to the previous year. The various accommodations surveyed are feeling it, unlike the catering and retail sectors which are the most affected.

"We are not concerned"

It is difficult for them, in fact, to rely on foreign customers in this period of calm. "There is no difference, it is always the usual customers who come", explains bookseller Pierre-Jean Teissier. We could have had a summer surfing on the Olympic craze, to the delight of the people of Nîmes. However, there was no shortage of ideas. “Maybe a fan zone could have energized the city center at a time when it is often a little quiet”, thinks the bookseller, in agreement with other merchants. The town hall nevertheless tried to launch the festivities by organizing inclusive Games for schoolchildren in June. But hey, with the Games over, all that's left is to wait until August 28th for the start of the Paralympics…

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