In the footsteps of the beaver, along the banks of the Tarn de Millau, with the CPIE du Rouergue

In the footsteps of the beaver, along the banks of the Tarn de Millau, with the CPIE du Rouergue

Le castor, espèce protégée, peut mesurer jusqu’à 1m40 et peser 30 kg. Getty Images – Dan Pepper

Durant l’été, encore trois dates – notamment ce mercredi 24 juillet – sont prévues pour observer les castors depuis les berges du Tarn.

This Wednesday evening, along the Tarn, it will be possible to come across amateur explorers. In search of traces of the beaver, they will be accompanied by a guide from the CPIE du Rouergue, the permanent centre for environmental initiatives.

At nightfall, the organisation invites curious visitors to go near the banks of the Tarn in the company of a guide and, with a bit of luck, observe the rodent. “It starts with the history of the beaver, where it comes from, then we talk about its protection status and its reintroduction into the territory”, explains Laurent Diat, environmental guide at the CPIE du Rouergue.

A semi-aquatic rodent, the beaver nearly disappeared "from all or part of Europe", details the Explore Millau website. A protected species since 1968, it has now been almost 35 years since it was reintroduced in the department.

Analyze fingerprints

Once the story point has been established, the family stroll can continue in search of clues and traces of the wild animal, before moving on on a team game. The goal ? "Not to confuse the beaver with the other inhabitants of the river, namely the otter and the coypu" , unfolds the environment animator.

Like a fish in water when it stays close to the banks, the beaver leaves behind some clues of its passage. Identified, examined and analyzed during these Wednesday meetings in the summer, the footprints invite explorers to open their eyes and ears and possibly discover the beaver up close. Last year, of the four walks organized, two were successful.

6 € for ages 7-17. 10 € for adults. Accessible from 7 years old. Wednesday July 24, 31 and August 7. Bring a pair of binoculars (if possible), pants and closed shoes. Departure at 7:30 p.m.

RDV Parking avenue de L’Aigoual

(Opposite the DDE parking lot).

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