In the Gard, the House for Extraordinary Children is a finalist in the François Hollande foundation competition

In the Gard, the House for Extraordinary Children is a finalist in the François Hollande foundation competition

The MEEX is home to a team of specialists constantly trained in new neurodevelopmental approaches in pediatrics. Midi Libre – Correspondent

In the Gard, the House for Extraordinary Children is a finalist in the François Hollande foundation competition

Created 7 years ago, MEEX supports more than 230 children. Midi Libre – Correspondent

In the Gard, the House for Extraordinary Children is a finalist in the François Hollande foundation competition

MEEX is testing local services and care in rural areas, making it possible to prevent and detect these neurological disorders as early as possible. Midi Libre – Correspondent

In the Gard, the House for Extraordinary Children is a finalist in the François Hollande foundation competition

Le projet de la MEEX répond à un vrai besoin social en apportant de réelles réponses à des besoins non couverts. Midi Libre – Correspondante

The establishment welcomes children with neurodevelopmental and learning disorders and their families and will participate as the only representative of Occitanie, Paca and Corsica, in the final of the national competition of the La France s&# Foundation 39;engages.

The House of Extraordinary Children (MEEX) of Sauve, in the Gard, is among the 44 most innovative project leaders with strong social impact who will participate in the final of the national competition of the foundation France is committed.

This year, 402 projects from all over France applied for the competition of the foundation created and chaired by François Hollande. Of the forty projects submitted only in the Occitanie-PACA-Corsica regions, MEEX is the only one selected for the entire southern region. A great performance for this unique association which won over the juries.

Support for three years

An innovation accelerator, the foundation allows finalists to amplify their growth through the award of a label, support for three years and a financial endowment of up to 300,000 €. 15 finalists will be chosen at the end of a 3-day bootcamp organized on May 24 in Paris, where each of the 44 candidates will defend their project. "We are very proud of this first step. MEEX performed well in the three criteria scrutinized by the juries: social innovation, social impact and potential for change of scale, confides Cécile Martignac, founder and director of MEEX, whose file received a brilliant score of 14.33 out of 15.

Created 7 years ago, the MEEX welcomes children with neurodevelopmental and learning disorders, and their families. Thanks to a team of specialists constantly trained in new neurodevelopmental approaches in pediatrics, MEEX is testing local services and care in rural areas, making it possible to prevent and detect these disorders as early as possible, which today reach 18%. children of one age group. The project, and this did not escape the juries, responds to a real social need. It provides real answers to unmet needs.

More than 230 children monitored by MEEX

Each year, MEEX welcomes hundreds of new applications from families throughout the region. It currently supports more than 230 children, and also provides training for more than 300 neurodevelopment professionals by involving around fifteen trainers in Sauve. The MEEX is counting on its perfectly planned and well-established spin-off project to convince. "There are many territories still lacking in care for children. Among the candidates for spin-off, we have selected project leaders bringing together parents and professionals. In 3 years, we plan to support the creation of 5 new houses that we call the MEEX territories", underlines Cécile Martignac who is already preparing her final pitch which she will argue on May 24 to win one of the 15 prizes of the 2024 winners.

This experiment is currently financed by insurance companies: AG2R La Mondiale, Apicil, IRCEM and SNCF. The association also requested technical and financial support from the Occitanie Regional Health Agency. It is supported in its approach by the Department of Gard, the Communauté de Communes Piémont Cévenol and the commune of Sauve. Funding from the France s’engage foundation would make the entire process more secure.

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