Invaded by a horde of cats, distraught nonagenarian retirees call for help

Invaded by a horde of cats, distraught nonagenarian retirees call for help

In the February couple's kitchen, three cats are squatting. About forty others invaded the house. Midi Libre – STEPHANE BARBIER

In Saint-Bonnet-de-Salindrenque, the couple, losing their autonomy, are unable to resolve the neighborhood problem which has become a health emergency. For months, their mayor has been asking for help to resolve the matter. In vain.

" Look at her ! There's still one! " On top of the refrigerator, on the sofa, under the living room furniture, in the conservatory… They are everywhere.
Nearly forty cats, perhaps more, literally invaded the home of the Février couple, Jeanne and Henri, living in Saint-Bonnet-de-Salindrenque.

At night, I put them outside by throwing pieces of ham at them. But in the morning, as soon as I open the door, they all come in

In their small house, the smell of animal urine is strong, cat droppings are spread in the hallway and the house is disturbed by clashes between felines. Distraught, despite the support of the mayor of the town, Sébastien Magny, of home help for cleaning and care by health personnel following the intervention of departmental councilor Isabelle Fardoux-Jouve, the couple tries to live what no longer has anything of a peaceful retirement.
A situation made worse by the great age of the spouses, 92 and 94 years old. He is losing his autonomy, suffering at night, which forces Jeanne to watch over him. At home, exhaustion is there, while the cats run between her legs.

Sterilization solves nothing since the cats will always be there and the nuisances with them

At what moment everything changed? Jeanne can no longer say it: " I'm as angry as hell and I'm fed up. He's bedridden, I can't stand up.  So yes, I feed them and it’s my fault. But how to do it ? At night, I put them outside by throwing pieces of ham at them. But in the morning, as soon as I barely open the door, they all come inside. They are used to. So I buy some kibble and it costs me pennies, almost 100 € per week. But I want to get rid of it. And if I have to pay, I'll pay a little. "
 Outside, the cats scamper as humans approach, and it is obvious that what was a “simple” neighborhood problem and today a health emergency, while the vast majority of these felines are not vaccinated. Causing a risk of spreading zoonoses, animal diseases transmissible to humans which are numerous.

A risk of zoonoses

A situation that the mayor and the municipal council are trying to deal with. After a report of an unsanitary situation in the gendarmerie, in December 2023 (" With the gendarmes, three months ago, we counted 38 cats; today they are around fifty ") a letter addressed to the departmental population protection service (DDPP) gave the response sterilization and a list of links to associations. " I am aware that it is my responsibility, but the sterilization campaign costs 6,000 € approximately. For a small town like us, it’s impossible (135 inhabitants and 80,000 € budget, Editor's note) explains Mayor Sébastien Magny. And then it doesn't solve anything since the cats will always be there and the nuisances with them. " 
If, in the letter, the DDPP mentions the absence of an agreement with the Vallérargues pound, this does not resolve the situation either since the latter only deals with cases of wanderings on public roads. Which is not the case… The hypothesis would then be to adopt the status of free cat, article 227 of the Civil Code, and contact animal protection associations. But this requires incurring sterilization costs. What the municipality cannot…
Faced with impasse and rage, Henri Février loses his temper: " Take the gun and do what you must! " " But we don’t have the right ", the mayor replies.

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