“It’s a snub for justice”: in Perpignan, the conference too many for raw food guru Casasnovas ?

“It’s a snub for justice”: in Perpignan, the conference too many for raw food guru Casasnovas ?

Is the raw food guru being provocative ? DR

The defender of fasting and raw eating, indicted for abuse of weakness, fraud or illegal practice of medicine, has been under judicial supervision since March 2023. His participation in a conference this Saturday, May 11, raises the question of respecting his obligations.

"It’is a snub for justice, for investigators and for victims to see that Casasnovas announces to participate in a conference while  ;rsquo;he is under judicial control with obligations that he does not respect" storm Me Jean-Baptiste Cesbron.

Is this one conference too many for Thierry Casasnovas, the Catalan raw food guru, who built his notoriety on social networks via his videos viewed millions of times but placed under judicial control since March 2023 ?

This Saturday, May 11, he is headlining a conference given in Perpignan or its surroundings, invited by the sulphurous dentist Salim Laïbi, known for his conspiratorial positions. The latter, during cross-words, must speak of "the end of the modern world", the title of his latest book, where Casasnovas must ’express himself on the theme " health and radical autonomy.

Indicted for abuse of weakness, fraud, illegal practice of medicine"

Problem: the Catalan was under examination in March 2023, with the courts accusing him of a whole series of offences: illegal practice of medicine, abuse of weakness, fraud, breach of trust, forgery and use of forgery, deceptive commercial practices…

In the crosshairs of Miviludes (Interministerial Mission to Combat Sectarian Abuses) and the government, he was able to endanger people who stopped their medical treatments, the guru praising fasting and raw eating as a miracle cure. Including against cancer and other multiple sclerosis.

By decision of the investigating judge, he remained free, but under strict judicial control: he has notably, in theory, for fourteen months, & quot;the ban on participating in or organizing courses and training related to naturopathy, hygiene, health or well-being" as Perpignan prosecutor Jean-David Cavaillé then indicated.

In the event of non-compliance, he could be sent to prison if the investigating judge so decides.

So, this conference is the straw that broke the camel’s back for Me Cesbron, lawyer for several plaintiffs in this case.

"There is a clear violation of his judicial control"

Because for several weeks, the guru has resumed his videos – provocative ones like "Cure cancer with vegetable juice ?" – but it also feeds an encrypted channel.

"He has the right to make videos, but not to promote or participate in training or give naturopath advice. There is a clear violation of his judicial control, he continues.

"There are two things: either the judicial authority, the investigating judge and the public prosecutor's office, has suffered pressure from Casasnovas and his relatives and does not wish not move in the context of a revocation of judicial control. Either there is a wait-and-see attitude and abnormal apathy on the part of the judicial authority.

The Montpellier lawyer recalls having already alerted the investigating judge to these supposed violations, his writings having remained dead letters.

On the social network "X", Salim Laïbi defended tooth and nail his "guest" but also the holding of the two conferences.

"These are two conferences, it’s official, public and broadcast on our social networks, there’s nothing secret" launches the one who rejects any anti-Semitism, homophobia and other stigmatization of Freemasons, the latter being one of his favorite targets.

And about Thierry Casasnovas:"They're trying to pass him off as a sectarian guru" he denounces, returning to the problem of judicial control which would be violated: "Is this conference an internship or training ? I don't think so ! He is controlled by the courts and he must report to the gendarmerie every week, that's obvious."

"He is looking for a figure of martyr"

However, he did not indicate where they should take place this Saturday, May 11, for fear of being "censored&quot ; he justifies.

For Me Cesbron, Casasnovas’s attitude would amount to an escalation : "We can clearly see that each time , he takes a further step in provocation, he seeks a figure of martyr, to appear as a victim if one day, through provocation, judicial control is effectively revoked.

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