It's done: Emmanuel Macron promulgated the “immigration law”, widely censored on Thursday by the Constitutional Council

It's done: Emmanuel Macron promulgated the "immigration law", widely censored on Thursday by the Constitutional Council

Le texte compte 86 articles et a été publié ce samedi au Journal officiel. MAXPPP – Aurelien Morissard – Illustration

Le texte et ses 86 articles ont été publiés au Journal officiel ce matin.

It’s done. Emmanuel Macron promulgated the “immigration” on the night of Friday January 26 to Saturday January 27 from New Delhi, India, where he was traveling, announced in particular Le Monde. The text and its 86 articles were published in the Official Journal this morning.

The Constitutional Council on Thursday censored a large part of the law, which had hardened in the Senate, considering that several contested articles, such as that on the limitation of family reunification, contravened the Constitution in substance as well as in principle. the shape.

The Republic has never had such a harsh law against delinquent foreigners

Emmanuel Macron had taken note of a decision "which almost completely validated the measures that the government had included in its initial bill&quot ;and asked the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, "to do everything possible to ensure that the law is applied as soon as possible", according to those around him.

Gérald Darmanin had expressed "satisfaction" from the government. "The Council validated the work of the government to protect the French, said the Minister of the Interior. The Republic has never had such a harsh law against delinquent foreigners."

What the "wise people censored"

In detail, the Constitutional Council rejected “legislative riders” which could however reappear later in other texts. The measure extending the length of residence required for non-Europeans in a legal situation to benefit from certain social benefits has thus been censored.

Such as the tightening of the criteria for family reunification, the establishment of a return deposit for foreign students or the end of the automaticity of land law for children of’ rsquo;foreigners born in France. The establishment of annual migration quotas determined by Parliament after a mandatory debate was deemed contrary to the Constitution on the merits.

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