Jegou-Auradou affair: notorious contradictions, gray areas, insufficient explanations… the two players soon to be exonerated ?

Could the charges against Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou soon be dropped?? This is in any case what Analia Rivero, the lawyer for the two players, is asking.

And if the two French rugby players charged with aggravated gang rape were soon out of the woods? Initially forced to stay in Argentina, Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou, who saw their passports confiscated by the courts, were released this Monday, August 12. A decision that their Argentinian lawyer described as a “step forward”.

On the same day, the Public Prosecutor's Office revealed that “the complainant's first version was weakened by various elements” and pointed out “the existence of notorious contradictions, inconsistencies, gray areas, and even insufficient explanations” in the case which is considered too light to justify the continued detention of the accused, indicates Le Parisien.

"The investigation is not over"

"Only the results of the psychological and psychiatric assessments carried out on the complainant could tip the balance" in favor of continuing the investigation of the case, believes the Mendoza public prosecutor. For her part, Analia Rivero, the lawyer for the two players, intends to request that the charges be dropped, “potentially within a week”.

“Their release should not be interpreted as a step towards dropping the charges. This is a very premature interpretation. The investigation is not over. “There are still a lot of elements to be added to the file,” replied Natacha Romano, the plaintiff's lawyer.

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