Jubillar affair: new elements at the heart of the investigation, what are the challenges of the hearing scheduled for this Thursday ?

Jubillar affair: new elements at the heart of the investigation, what are the challenges of the hearing scheduled for this Thursday ?

A new legal chapter could open this Thursday, January 18 in the Jubillar affair. FREE MIDI ILLUSTRATION

The investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal must examine this Thursday, January 18, the appeal made by Cédric Jubilar's lawyers concerning his referral to the assizes and rule on the request additional information in the investigation file on the murder of his wife Delphine.

New rebound in the Jubillar affair ? This Thursday, January 18, the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal is looking into the case. #39;case of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, which occurred on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-les-Mines, in Tarn. 

Additional information

The general prosecutor's office requests that checks be carried out after having become aware of a telephone conversation linked to the case, between a detainee and his mother.& ;nbsp;

The latter, convicted of attempted murder and previously incarcerated in the same prison as Cédric Jubilar, cites during a brief telephone exchange three first names known from the file – Sofiane, Sébastien and Mathiey –  during an exchange that intrigues the justice system. "- But there is no proof, no proof… And Sofiane, and Sébastien and Mathieu, they  they don't know!", the detainee said. – Ah! s'they knew…", his mother.

The latter, with whom our colleagues from La Dépêche du Midi have exchanged, claims to have "nothing to hide". "This phone call story makes no sense," she thinks.

This Thursday, the prosecution will therefore request that these three witnesses, and the detainee's mother, be re-heard. Moreover, a witness claims to have "revelations to make" on the disappearance of the nurse. Presenting himself as a man from the region, he contacted the gendarmes on several occasions and explained to them that he had "information" on the case. 

Trial postponed ? 

Cédric Jubillar's lawyers continue to maintain his innocence and say they are convinced that "not all avenues have been exploited". & ;quot;Almost three years after the indictment of Cédric Jubillar, this request for additional information is proof that we are still looking for the truth in an empty file,” ;nbsp;lawyers of the detainee who contested the referral of their client to the assizes and filed a complaint with the Superior Council of the Judiciary against the two investigating judges. 

As France 3 Occitanie explains, today's hearing could have major repercussions on the #39;evolution of the file. If the request for additional information, in connection with its new elements, is accepted, the trial which was to be held between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 could then be postponed. The judges will also have to to rule on the challenge by Cédric Jubillar's lawyers to his referral to the assizes.

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