Judo: Montpellier Judo Olympic President Christel Boxberger-Lavaud hopes to “fill up on licensees”

Judo: Montpellier Judo Olympic President Christel Boxberger-Lavaud hopes to "fill up on licensees"

La présidente consacre plus de 20 heures par semaine à son club. MJO – MJO

Entretien avec la dirigeante montpelliéraine au moment de lancer la saison 2024-2025 de son club de judo.

Quel est votre état d’esprit à l’entame de cette nouvelle saison sportive ?

I am very motivated and confident. Like every year, I give it my all because we have to motivate the troops. We always hope to fill up with licensees quickly in order to be relaxed all year long.

In this sense, the dynamics of the Olympic and Paralympic Games can help?

During the Olympic Games and immediately after, we received a lot of requests. I felt a great enthusiasm. We welcomed many recreational judokas, girls and toddlers aged 3-4.

What are the upcoming projects of Montpellier Judo Olympic ?

We were able to hire young people who were finishing their apprenticeship. We will be able to develop judo in schools and in nursing homes. I also dream of having financial peace of mind and no more worries in this area. When I hear that communities will have less money in the future, it scares me a little for the future.

How do you anticipate a possible reduction in subsidies ?

As soon as we finish the registrations, a daily job, I take my little bag to go and approach private partners. You should know that companies are in huge demand. They need to understand the interest in supporting us with our great visibility on social networks and our good results on the national level thanks to our spearheads.

Judo values ​​can also be of interest…

This is why schools and the public are interested in us. This can make companies want to follow us. For my part, I joined the Medef, which understood that sports and entrepreneurship are closely linked.

The Judo Pro League can also be a competition that offers visibility to partners?

Thanks to the Judo Pro League, the Nicollin company has become a partner of the club. The Métropole and the Region also support us in this way. This mixed team championship was a superb springboard. Moreover, it starts on October 9 in Montpellier.

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