“Kicking a ball, it’s burst”, the city of Nîmes mobilized against the use of nitrous oxide

“Kicking a ball, it’s burst”, the city of Nîmes mobilized against the use of nitrous oxide

250 bouteilles vides sont ramassées chaque semaine Midi Libre – SYLVIE CAMBON

More than one in ten young people have already consumed nitrous oxide. The city raises awareness about serious risks.

"Kick a balloon, it's burst". It is with this slogan that the City of Nîmes is launching a communication campaign aimed at 16-25 year olds with three posters and two video spots viewable on social networks on the harms of consuming nitrous oxide..

"The objective of this approach, carried out with the support of the Prefecture of Gard, is to attract attention to prevent the misuse of nitrous oxide is not without risks. We particularly want to make young people, the main consumers of this laughing gas, aware of the sometimes irreversible harm that this consumption, even very occasional, can cause", explains Richard Schieven, deputy delegate to the Public safety.

This colorless gas used both in medical use (for analgesia and anesthesia) and in the food industry as gas for whipped cream siphon, is diverted for recreational purposes. Concretely, consumers use a tube which allows the cartridge to be pierced and a balloon to inhale the product. The fleeting effects by inhalation sought by consumers are euphoria, hilarity and an alteration of perceptions.

Neurological and psychiatric risks

But this consumption is not without consequences. Many symptoms are observed immediately after consumption: nausea, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps , drowsiness, tinnitus, which generally disappear after 15 minutes. In case of repeated consumption at short intervals or in high doses, severe neurological, hematological, psychiatric or cardiac disorders may occur. Consumption associated with other products (alcohol, drugs) also increases the risks. 


“Kicking a ball, it’s burst”, the city of Nîmes mobilized against the use of nitrous oxide

Young people are at risk of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Exponential consumption

The City of Nîmes was one of the first to issue a municipal decree, in 2019, to prohibit the misuse of nitrous oxide bottles. However, more than one in ten young people aged 18 to 24 have already consumed nitrous oxide at least once in their life (Santé Publique France 2022 survey), often during the year. #39;an evening. In addition, reports of minors are increasing to poison control centers.


In case of consumption and unusual symptoms, you should dial 15 or 18. If you have difficulty controlling or stopping consumption: www.drogues-info-service. For each cartridge found by a resident, the procedure consists of reporting it to the Living Environment Department on 04 66 70 80 71 or on the reporting box on the City's mobile application.

Since 2019, the number of cases evaluated has increased tenfold; those mentioning serious neurological complications tripled between 2020 and 2021 (spinal cord or nerve damage). Requests on the internet site drugs-info-service.fr have increased 10-fold in four years.

250 empty bottles collected each week

In addition to the issue of preventing the use of nitrous oxide, this action aims to raise public awareness of the environmental impact. In fact, around 250 bottles are collected each week in Nîmes by cleaning services (i.e. 1000 bottles per month).

The cost of recycling is high because it costs around 25 € per bottle to be degassed. 16,000 cartridges are currently stored waiting to find lasting recycling solutions.

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