Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena – Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Les lauréats de cette 24e saison de Vaches Cocardières. Cyril Daniel

Après une escapade Uchaud en 2023, le Trophée des Vaches Cocardières était de retour ce vendredi  dans les arènes du Grau-du-Roi pour sa 24e Finale. 

The opening of the Graulène festival resounded with many well-deserved Carmens to salute the 44th final of the Trophée des Vaches cocardières – Philippe-Thiers Trophy. And the awards ceremony rightly rewarded the best actors. Over the season: Cocardière d'Or, Galante de Nicollin; Macarena de Mogador in Silver; 1st raseteur, Sola (142 pts), 2nd F. Ranc (77), 3rd Viscomi (49). In the final, Taïeb made the difference on points (19), the prize for the most deserving went to Ranc (14 pts); Saint-Rémoise de Pla, cocardière to perfection, took the trophy of the day. In conclusion, men involved in the face of the qualities of the participants holding their 10 minutes each.

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Emuna in perfect first delivers behind Ryan Kaous. Cyril Daniel Emuna (Nicollin, N.613).- Lively and very present in the sequences, she does not let herself be locked in and distills beautiful trajectories up to the ground. 6 Carmen and return.

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Cockade to the tips of her horns, Macarena sternly escorts Hedi Chebaiki home. Cyril Daniel Macarena (Mogador, N.613).- Along the boards, she multiplies herself. A little asphyxiated by the intensity of the demands, she lets go of her ribbons in 3'. But she takes back control of the strings, one-on-one, where she becomes insistent (Ranc, Chebaïki, Sola). A string on the return to music (+ 7).

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Serious, Avocette answers Steven Martinez curtly. Cyril Daniel Avocette (Chapelle, N.020).- Itinerant, she delays the confrontation and only gives up her rosette to the 3rd. Well captured, she stands on Martinez (2), Chebaïki (3), accelerates on all occasions with intensity. 4 Carmen and return.

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Feared, Saint-Rémoise imposes itself in lively replies and wins the prize of the Final. Here with Florian Ranc, best presenter of the day. Cyril Daniel Saint-Rémoise (Pla, N.701).- Vive she follows up, horn placed, 2nd' the pompoms. Moves Chebaïki aside, presses Ranc to make himself respected, from there delivers five big dominating series. To Taïeb all the attributes and 1st string. 6 Carmen and back.

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Powerful finish by Galante after Corentin Sola. Cyril Daniel Galante(Nicollin, N.614).- Feared, she sends all attempts out of bounds. She keeps everyone in sight, the whites calculate. Sola inherits a big barrier hit, Errik is bombarded, Ranc almost gets a correction, Martinez hangs on the tubes. Striking actions (Ranc, Taïeb,), broken board, Ranc applies himself for the roundel in the 8th. A little more affordable in a long series where the acorns fly and the First Lady 2024 pulls in her strings under the applause and the fanfare (+7).

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

A little below her previous performances, Fée accompanies Radouane Errik. Cyril Daniel Fée (Les Baumelles, N.853).- Walks or settles, not too attacked. Then it starts and Fée shows some response in the series and two or three conclusions of great effect. 7 Carmen and back.

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Norine, the winner of the selection races, does not let herself be ridden on. Here in a lively response on Maxime Taieb. Cyril Daniel Norine (Chauvet, N.024).- The little one (4 years old) sets off at the quarter turn, deflects a few trajectories. Fast, without slowing down in the recoveries for the rosette at the 7th and the 2nd acorn at 9'40. 5 Carmen and return.

Le Grau-du-Roi: Gold at Galante, Silver at Macarena - Sola, Taïeb, Ranc, the white trio

Brave and spectacular, Rumba finishes in style behind Steven Martinez. Cyril Daniel Rumba (Mogador, N.044).- Fast and spectacular, the first impact is for Chebaïki. Delivers, multiplies the well-struck actions, about ten (as many Carmen) including some of magnitude (Martinez, Errik, Ranc, Chebaïki) for a quality finale, return to music.

Technical Sheet

Race on Friday, September 6.

Entrance: ½ arena.

Organizers: Vincent Ribera Production.

Presidency: Jacques Roumajon.

Right-handed raseteurs: Ameraoui, Ranc, S. Martinez, Taïeb.

Left-handed raseteurs: Sola, Errik, Chebaïki, Kaous.

Turners: Oleskevich, Arnel, Levy, Castel.



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