Legislative elections 2024: in Palavas and La Grande-Motte, RN supporters seduced by an alliance with The Republicans

Legislative elections 2024: in Palavas and La Grande-Motte, RN supporters seduced by an alliance with The Republicans

In La Grande-Motte and Palavas-les-Flots, the RN came well ahead in the European elections. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

The proposal from Éric Ciotti, boss of the Republicans, to reach an agreement with the National Rally for the early legislative elections set fire within the right-wing party. In La Grande-Motte and Palavas-les-Flots, towns where the RN came in well ahead, voters are rather favorable.

Pink scarf and denim jacket closed up to the neck despite the stifling heat of La Grande-Motte, Marie has long been a fervent activist for the Republicans, before joining the National Rally.& nbsp;At the announcement on Tuesday June 11 of Éric Ciotti's wish to enter into an electoral agreement with the National Rally with a view to the early legislative elections, the retiree was delighted. "They have common ideas, she judges. If this happens, Bardella will however have to agree to deal with them. Despite his good results last Sunday, he is not the master of the world.

An expected alliance

In the town of 8,700 souls, the RN came first in the European elections with nearly 38% of the vote. With less than 10% of the vote, LR activists are rare in the streets. Cathy works in the city center. Last Sunday, she also slipped an RN ballot into the ballot box. "This rallying would be a good thing", confides the forty-year-old. To his right, his colleague Muriel nods. "It’s good to take. But we must not forget that in politics, everything is opportunism, she deciphers. The Republicans want above all to save their skin.

"Ciotti betrayed his side"

On the Jacques Chirac promenade, Josef, 76, is more critical. "I don't vote for either RN or LR, but that doesn't stop me from following their news closely. By making this proposal, Ciotti betrayed his camp. He made this decision alone. He should resign of his own accord", he decides, a few hours before the Republican office decides to exclude Éric Ciotti.

In the middle of the stands at the Palavas-les-Flots market, a town where the RN came in first with more than 42% of the votes, the idea of a rally that appeals, but also raises questions. Cap screwed on his head and glasses with smoked lenses on his nose, Philippe, RN voter, impatiently awaits the next announcements.

"I'm curious to see who the right-wing candidate will be for the constituency, confides the retiree. Voting for a Republican candidate doesn't bother me, it all depends on who it is. Given the latest developments, this arbitration could well not to impose yourself on Philippe…

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