Lergue sewerage network renewal works

Lergue sewerage network renewal works

Erwan Dufumier ainsi que Daniel Valette à l’endroit où vont se réaliser les travaux. Louise Gerbaud

Des travaux sur les réseaux d’assainissements dans la Lergue au niveau des jardins partagés vont débuter le 19 août, entraînant la fermeture de la passerelle et d’une portion de la rivière jusqu’à fin septembre.

New work will begin on August 19 on the right side of the Lergue riverbank, opposite the shared gardens. This involves renewing the sanitation network and the wastewater pipe crossing the river. This project is part of the city's network renewal plan, which is currently in poor condition.

« This is necessary and urgent work because the network is deteriorating at this crossing, there is a risk of rupture and therefore water pollution » ” informs Daniel Valette, delegate for water and sanitation of the community and mayor of Soumont. « The aim is also to improve the environmental aspect and the quality of the river water, adds Erwan Dufumier, head of scheduling at the Lodévois Larzac Intercommunal Water Service (Siell) and project owner.

1,200 people served by the network


The local company Rouvier TP was selected to carry out this project. The work will consist of replacing the sanitation networks serving the wastewater of approximately 1,200 people. « There are problems with water infiltration due to cracks and roots blocking the pipes », explains the Siell employee. The network, which is in too poor a condition, cannot be rehabilitated and will be completely replaced. « It will be moved closer to homes to avoid the vagaries of the river », he adds.

Until the end of September, access to the footbridge and the river will be closed at this location. However, access to the shared gardens will be maintained. « These measures are taken for the safety of users because traffic is dangerous with construction machinery » continues Erwan Dufumier. Part of the Boulot Drôme car park will also be reserved for trucks.

Lergue sewerage network renewal works

The footbridge in front of the shared gardens and the section of river behind will be closed until the end of September. Louise Gerbaud

A conservation fishery will be carried out


The portion of the Lergue will be drained using cofferdams blocking the current and a pumping system that will discharge the water further away. “The fishing federation will carry out a conservation fishery, stunning the fish to release them further forward”, explains the mayor of Soumont. Suspended solids (SS) will be installed to prevent the water from becoming cloudy and altering the fish environment. “It is possible that the water may be slightly cloudy downstream of the work, but there is no need to be alarmed” indicates the project owner.

A water law file has been submitted to the water police and the French Office for Biodiversity to verify compliance with environmental procedures. The work is being carried out at low water, when the level of the Lergue is at its lowest. However, an evacuation of the base camp within 24 hours is planned in the event of a flood, as the risk is greater in September. “We have anticipated the risks by providing solutions to protect the environment and the workers”, explains Erwan Dufumier.

The project owners are the community of communes via the Siell and the Hydraulics and Water Resource Management Studies Office. The cost of the work is approximately 204,000 euros. The Water Agency will provide 70% of the subsidies, the department 10%, and the Siell will cover the remaining 20%.

As of August 12, a clearing operation and the installation of site protections will begin.

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