Live crabs sold at Decathlon for fishing: outraged association calls on the brand to remove these baits from its shelves

Live crabs sold at Decathlon for fishing: outraged association calls on the brand to remove these baits from its shelves

Une cliente est tombée nez à nez avec des crabes vivants proposés à la vente chez Decathlon (illustration). MAXPPP – Michèle Constantini

Decathlon, a French giant in the distribution of sporting goods, is today at the heart of a controversy for the sale of live crabs intended for live bait fishing. This practice, which consists of using live bait to catch large predatory fish, has caused a strong reaction from the PAZ association, committed to defending animal rights.

While she was strolling through the aisles of Decathlon Bouc-Bel-Air, an attentive customer made a surprising, even shocking, discovery. Between the usual aisles of sportswear and training equipment, she came face to face with a rather unusual display: live crabs for sale.

What might seem incongruous in a sports store makes perfect sense when you learn that these crabs are not intended for any collection or breeding, but rather to serve as bait for live bait fishing relates La Provence.

Live bait fishing

A practice well known to fishermen, live bait fishing involves using a live animal, such as a fish or, in this case, a crab, to attract larger catches such as sea bass, sea bream or meagre. At thirty cents each, these crabs are presented as "very effective bait" for fishing enthusiasts.

But, according to our colleagues, this discovery quickly sparked indignation, raising questions about the ethics of selling live animals for a sport.

Attack on animal welfare ?

The PAZ association has therefore launched a petition to denounce this practice, calling on Decathlon to remove these live baits from its shelves. According to the association, it is unacceptable that a company of this size, advocating values ​​of respect and well-being, participates in such cruelty towards animals, even in the name of sport.

The controversy has been launched, and the debate on the use of live bait now extends beyond the circle of fishermen.

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