LIVE. New Prime Minister: Cazeneuve, Baudet, Bertrand Migaud… negotiations continue before an appointment to Matignon

LIVE. New Prime Minister: Cazeneuve, Baudet, Bertrand Migaud… negotiations continue before an appointment to Matignon

Le nom du Premier ministre devrait prochainement être dévoilé. MAXPPP – Julien Mattia/Le Pictorium

Au lendemain de ses entretiens avec Bernard Cazeneuve et Xavier Bertrand, Emmanuel Macron est vivement attendu sur la nomination d’un Premier ministre ou d’une première ministre.

This Monday, September 2, Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand, as well as the two former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, are received at the Élysée. In addition to Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand, the names of Thierry Beaudet and Didier Migaud were mentioned this Monday as potential tenants of Matignon. 08:23.

Laurent Berger approached

Laurent Berger was approached last week by Emmanuel Macron for the post of Prime Minister, according to FranceInfo . The head of state had to face the refusal of the former general secretary of the CFDT.


Several names are circulating

While the name of Thierry Beaudet was circulating this Monday, that of Didier Migaud, present during the ministerial meetings, was also mentioned.


Gabriel Attal received this Monday afternoon

The resigning Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal was received at the Élysée by the head of state at the end of the afternoon, reports BFMTV . The two men discussed who will take the reins of government.

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