Local representatives of the L214 association demonstrated in front of the Leclerc Montimaran store in Béziers

Local representatives of the L214 association demonstrated in front of the Leclerc Montimaran store in Béziers

Les manifestants appellent Michel-Edouard Leclerc à cesser toute collaboration avec cet élevage.

Les bénévoles biterrois ont dénoncé les conditions indignes d'un élevage de cochons dans le Morbihan qui alimente les magasins E.Leclerc et appelé les consommateurs à signer la pétition.

This Saturday, September 14, local L214 groups from 35 cities across a large part of the country mobilized in front of E.Leclerc stores, including the one in Béziers Montimaran. They were demonstrating following the publication, on Thursday, September 12, of a new investigation revealing the terrible conditions practiced in a pig farm in Morbihan supplying the commercial brand.

Last March, L214 had already revealed the horror suffered by these animals. When questioned at the time, Michel-Édouard Leclerc had “outright condemned these odious practices”. Five months later, "nothing has changed" and this, while livestock farming has been subject, since 2022, to three inspections by the environmental department of the DDPP (departmental directorate for the protection of populations) of Morbihan.

Call to sign the petition

“This noted non-conformities concerning the treatment of effluents, health monitoring and the cleanliness of the premises. A prefectural order was issued in July 2023 against the operator, who is ignoring the requests for compliance sent by the administration", indicates the association, which "is asking the prefect of Morbihan to immediately close this operation".

At Leclerc Montimaran, "we invited customers to sign and drop off at the store reception a letter asking Leclerc stores to “to take action against the worst practices of pig breeding and slaughter” , explains Aline Depernet, the local head of L214. For this association, in 2024, the new images provided “reveal a catastrophic situation in a farm: unsanitary conditions, the presence of corpses in the premises, in the feeders … " The images in the video are particularly distressing. Sensitive souls abstain!

L214 has launched a petition on its site to respect minimum breeding standards. www.l214.com/enquetes/2024/cochons-leclerc/ 

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