Lodève: “The emergency medical antenna will be a basic device for the hospital and will support our operations”

Lodève: “The emergency medical antenna will be a basic device for the hospital and will support our operations”

Lodève: “The emergency medical antenna will be a basic device for the hospital and will support our operations”

Patrick Triaire, le directeur du centre hospitalier de Lodève. Midi Libre – ALAIN MENDEZ

Le directeur de l’établissement de Lodève évoque les fermetures au centre d’accueil et de permanence de soins et sa transformation.

Patrick Triaire, pourquoi le Caps du Centre Hospitalier est obligé de fermer certains jours ?

Since 2009 when we opened the Reception and Care Center there have been more or less difficult periods in terms of staffing pressure. Currently it is complicated since one doctor left the system suddenly, a second has to be absent for medical reasons. Once you have five doctors and you are missing one, it becomes impossible to be able to ensure continuity of service 24/7. For several months we have been forced to close one, two, three, four days per month which is not satisfactory.

It was not possible to replace it?

We can't find it! We are actively looking for doctors to be able to function normally and peacefully again.

Will the transformation into an emergency medical center change anything??

It will make this system more attractive in terms of medical personnel because it is linked to the Montpellier University Hospital. This will also make it possible to find models of cooperation that should allow us to share resources and avoid these closures that we all regret.

This will be an additional guarantee?

Quite. The transformation enacted in the next Regional Health Plan and provided for by the decrees released in December 2023 requires us to set up this medical antenna with an establishment having both a Smur and a real health service. EMERGENCIES. This will be the case with the Montpellier University Hospital, which is part of the regional hospital group. This should allow us to find more solid organizations.

Where are we with this file ?

We talk about it, we move forward with our interlocutors. The model remains to be built. Working meetings will be set up with the Montpellier University Hospital but also with the Regional Health Agency to lead, I hope as quickly as possible, to a new organization that the region really needs.

Do you know the time range of this antenna ?

No not yet. The transformation is implemented for 2024, that’s for sure. As for the time range, in my capacity as Director of the hospital I would like it to be as wide as possible. Firstly to provide the population with a certain amount of unscheduled care, secondly so that doctors can continue to provide ongoing medical care for all patients in the establishment . This emergency medical antenna will be a base device for our hospital, on which we will base our new operation.

As we see with the last event, this new device is eagerly awaited by everyone…

This is a subject that has come up regularly for several years because it gives rise to general concerns and stress. Like this new demonstration initiated by the CGT hospital union and open to the population. She is attached to this emergency system, the hospital staff too and today, they suffer from this uncertainty, from the difficulties in being able to stabilize this service and work in a more serene and peaceful manner.

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