Lunel: August 15 guinguettes shortened and fireworks postponed until this evening

Lunel: August 15 guinguettes shortened and fireworks postponed until this evening

La pluie a écourté la soirée guinguettes qui est reportée à ce vendredi 16 août comme le feu d’artifice. Midi Libre – JPS

Les intempéries ont perturbé les festivités qui sont reportées en totalité, ce soir, même heure, même endroit.

There is no more season! The Pescalunes who still believe in the local saying that “the Gard has never flooded the Hérault” are proven wrong. This Thursday, August 15, it was indeed a storm from the plains of the Gard that crossed the Vidourle early in the evening to water the guinguettes enough to cut short the gustatory, musical and playful festivities. It also forced the City to review the late evening program by postponing the fireworks display until this Friday.

Successful start to the evening before the storm

Indeed, after a copious watering in the afternoon, a lull initially made this traditional evening of August 15th on the banks of the canal happy. This Thursday, the attendance at the “Guinguettes de Lunel” was clearly lower than last year, but it was sufficient for the many tables lined up and other standing places to be quickly taken by storm. At the same time, queues formed in front of the three guinguettes of Rol, Jeunesse Lunelloise and Amicale des Sapeurs Pompiers; as well as in front of the stand of the wine merchant Ô pêcheur devin, the Daumas and Saint-Jean Lalane wine estates and the food trucks present. Alas, shortly after 8:30 p.m., the rain complicated this start of the evening, precipitating the departure of a good number of participants.

Pierre Soujol announces the postponement of the fireworks

Finally, at around 9:15 p.m., reason led the municipality to change the program. Mayor Pierre Soujol announced, over the microphone, the postponement of the fireworks until this Friday, August 16. In the process, the many elected officials present indicated that all the stands that could would be welcome this Friday. Information gathered, the three guinguettes and most of the other stands should be there again, despite stocks having to be revised upwards and a disrupted organization of schedules. On the music side, if the Enjoliveurs opened the ball this Thursday, it is Net music that will guarantee the atmosphere for this postponed evening, whether on the Esplanade des Trophées or during the fireworks display.

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