Lyon: new closure for the butcher's shop “Beauvisage”, this time for illegal workers

Lyon: new closure for the butcher's shop "Beauvisage", this time for illegal workers

The butcher's shop employees were in an irregular situation MAXPPP – Vincent Isore

The “Beauvisage” butcher's shop, already known for its setbacks, has once again been forced to close its doors in the 8th arrondissement of Lyon. But unlike its first closure for hygiene reasons, it was the presence of illegal workers that led to this immediate sanction. An affair that casts a new shadow over the establishment.

On June 11, 2024, the “Beauvisage” butcher's shop was targeted by a law enforcement operation, more specifically by the office for the fight against migrant trafficking. Located at 141 rue professeur Beauvisage, it was the subject of an inspection that revealed an illegal situation. The agents discovered two employees working without legal authorization, indicates ActuLyon. These two people, homeless, were employed in a concealed manner. In addition, they were ordered to leave French territory (OQTF).

Administrative closure: a rapid sanction

Following this discovery, the Rhône prefecture was quick to react. On August 20, 2024, an immediate administrative closure was ordered. This decision, notified to management on September 3 shortly after 11 a.m., imposes a temporary two-month closure for the establishment. A hard blow for this butcher's shop already weakened by its troubled past.

A hygiene record

This is not the first time that the “Beauvisage” butcher's shop has found itself in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. In 2022, the establishment had already been closed following an inspection carried out by the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP). This inspection, according to our colleagues, revealed the presence of pests such as cockroaches, rats and mice, leading to an initial administrative closure. Since then, the establishment has continued to receive very negative reviews from its customers on Google, a sign that the problems seem to persist.

A reopening ?

With this new closure, the reputation of the butcher's shop "Beauvisage" is once again being undermined. With the administrative closure set for two months, the future of this establishment seems increasingly uncertain. Will it succeed in getting back on track after this series of scandals??

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