Maruéjols-lès-Gardon: fatal collision and fire after a road accident
|The firefighter intervention lasted two hours. Midi Free – ALEXIS BETHUNE
This Thursday, June 13, south of Alès, a 27-year-old young man died in a collision between a motorcycle and a van. The second victim is slightly injured.
The accident occurred on the morning of June 13. On the D 982 road in Maruéjols-lès-Gardon, around half past ten, a 27-year-old motorcyclist, then traveling on the road, collided with a van. When the emergency services arrived on the scene, they found themselves confronted with a motorcycle fire, caused by the violence of the impact. The driver of the two-wheeler, thrown six meters below the road, died at the scene, despite numerous resuscitation attempts.
The driver of the van escaped with minor injuries. In total, 24 firefighters and eight vehicles were dispatched to the site, and a dangerous environment intervention group was engaged.