“Missiles cross the sky daily”: in Ukraine, regional elected official Sébastien Denaja struck by “the stigmata of war”

“Missiles cross the sky daily”: in Ukraine, regional elected official Sébastien Denaja struck by “the stigmata of war”

Sébastien Denaja (au c.) à son arrivée à Moshchun, en Ukraine. – DR

The Sète regional elected official participated in the International Summit of Cities and Regions on May 9 in kyiv. He recounts this emotional journey.

How did this trip to Ukraine come about ?

It followed a meeting between the president of the Union of Regions of Ukraine and the president of the Association of Regions of France, Carole Delga, a few years ago weeks, with a view to better coordinating our actions. The idea was to send a delegation from the Association of French Regions to Ukraine, of which I was a part to represent Occitanie.

How was your trip to kyiv ?

Ukraine is a country at war and you cannot go there just anyhow. We left from Montpellier towards Paris, Amsterdam and Krakow. Then we drove to Przemysl. There, we took a special night train, with an eleven-hour journey to kyiv. The train stopped several times during the night for checks by the Polish and Ukrainian army. It’s very special.

"Ukrainians have a deep love for Europe"

On site, what were your impressions ?

We saw the scars of war. In kyiv, there is the army, but it is a living city. You see soldiers who kiss their wives and go to the front. There is relative peace. We went to the village of Moshchun, the site of an intense battle in March 2022. There you see photos of soldiers, then a memorial with candles, where we prayed. It was a highlight. An augmented reality headset shows you the place during the war, ravaged by bombs. You realize where you are.

Is the country showing signs of reconstruction ?

Obviously, like in Borodyanka. You have destroyed buildings, housing, schools, libraries completely pulverized, and alongside all that, a new school, a kindergarten in the middle of the ruins… hellip; It’s extremely moving. You see that it is a brave, solid country, with people still standing, who face an extremely harsh reality. Many have lost a son or a parent. They face Russia, an army, Vladimir Putin, but it is a resilient country, while remaining at war, under threat. Missiles cross the sky daily. There is fatalism, but no resignation. They are in the process of reconstruction and they need Europe, the United States, to show solidarity to rebuild hospitals, schools, universities…

The work of a Sétois given to Zelensky

Sébastien Denaja presented to the governor of kyiv, for the attention of President Zelensky, the work created by the Sète architect and artist Sébastien Granier, symbolically named “À nos deux mains” . A cast of the interior space of a handshake to represent solidarity and fraternity between the French and Ukrainian people.

“Missiles cross the sky daily”: in Ukraine, regional elected official Sébastien Denaja struck by “the stigmata of war”

The work of Sébastien Granier.

What was Volodymyr Zelensky's speech at the summit you attended ?

His plea reminded us that this is as crucial a time for Europe as it was at the very beginning of the modern project of a united and peaceful Europe. Zelensky repeated why Ukraine has its place in the EU. Ukrainians have a deep love for Europe. They defend our democratic and peaceful model.

How can Occitania increase its aid to Ukraine ?

The Occitanie Region, with the regions of France, will continue to mobilize. We are giving ourselves a few weeks to coordinate our action until the Congress of the Regions of France in Strasbourg in September. An agreement will be signed between the Association of Regions of France and the president of the regions of Ukraine to finalize a collective roadmap with Occitanie. Sète associations have already asked me for a cultural cooperation project with Odessa, for the benefit of reception units for hospitalized children. I hope that we will be able to make it a reality.

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