Monsignor Norbert Turini on a pastoral visit to the great Pic Saint-Loup

Monsignor Norbert Turini on a pastoral visit to the great Pic Saint-Loup

Vêpres communautaires à l’église Saint-Gilles de Saint-Gély-du-Fesc.

Mgr Norbert Turini recently made an enriching pastoral visit to Saint-Gély-du-Fesc and its surroundings, exploring local dynamics, from economy to ecology, and encouraging the community to self-help. 39;joyfully engage in his mission.

These were two marathon days that Mgr Norbert Turini carried out at the end of February as part of his pastoral visit to the parish complex of Saint-Luc en Garrigues, Blessed Marcel Callo and Saint-Julien de la Mosson. With the aim of introducing him to the realities specific to the villages in the sector, the pastoral animation team had prepared a dense program.

Visit to the rugby school

From pastoral realities to economic reality including the ecological evolution of the landscape of Hérault in the next thirty years, everything was presented to the Archbishop of Montpellier. Fraternal realities such as welcoming migrants with the Saint-Gilloise association Hands for Roof and Secours catholique. Economic realities such as the production of wine, the manufacture of olive oil but also the leisure economy with a lunch taken at the restaurant of the Coulondres golf course on Wednesday noon before the visit of the golf club. Pic Saint-Loup rugby school.

« Be happy in the mission! »

« We welcomed Mgr Turini like a father who comes to meet his children, confides Father Paul Dossous. L&amp ;rsquo;bishop discovered the dynamism of the life of our communities by coming to meet all its stakeholders. The meeting with the mayors of the community of communes of Grand Pic Saint-Loup was particularly striking. We were touched by the quality of the dialogue. Attentive listening on both sides allowed the establishment of direct, frank, sincere exchanges, with respect for each institution. &raquo ;
The priests, deacons and members of the pastoral animation team retained from this visit the message of encouragement and joy that Mgr Turini delivered to them on various occasions: « Be happy in the mission! »

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