Montpellier Airport: incessant complaints about noise pollution due to the ballet of planes

Montpellier Airport: incessant complaints about noise pollution due to the ballet of planes

Criticisms about noise pollution mainly concern the activity of leisure aviation, offered by flying clubs, but also training, with schools. Midi Libre – JEAN MICHEL MART

The mayors of Lattes and Pérols display their annoyance at the noise, particularly from small aircraft. On the airport side, we do not hide a certain helplessness, while on the flying club and training school side we explain the efforts already made.

This is a subject on which they no longer hide their exasperation. Cyril Meunier and Jean-Pierre Rico, mayors of Lattes and Pérols respectively, are starting to get tired of having to manage the moods of their constituents living near the runways of Montpellier Méditerranée airport. The cause: the noise pollution generated by the ballet of planes. And especially the small ones, those used for training or for leisure.

"What bothers us is the small runway, the one used by flying clubs and training schools", says Jean-Pierre Rico, who recalls that the ballet of aircraft "impacts a perimeter of 40 000 people". "Even us, in town hall, we are sometimes flown over by small planes which fly at low altitude and which do not respect the corridors reserved for them to land". "The problem is small planes, insists Frédéric Vincent, vice-president of the association of cabaniers of Pérols. Csome days I count more than 80 flybys over my house.

"Commercial planes do not bypass by sea"

Among his Latvian neighbor, impatience is at its height. "I keep putting pressure on Emmanuel Brehmer(the chairman of the board of directors of the airport company, manager of the platform, editor's note)", says Cyril Meunier. According to him, today there are two types of nuisance. "The first is easy to characterize, these are commercial flights, planes which do not bypass by sea and which cut directly via departmental road 66 to save kerosene", the expressway that leads to the coast.

As for the second, "it’is the most important for us, because it impacts the territory of Boirargues". These are "small learning planes and flying clubs", adds the mayor of Lattes, even if he recognizes that the latter "have made a lot of progress with new noisy medium planes". But that is not enough "when you have members who are not always respectful, especially in the summer, when vacationers come to steal". And Jean-Pierre Rico puts his foot down: "the solution would be to relocate the activities of flying clubs and schools elsewhere"< /em>.

The regional civil aviation directorate says it is attentive"

Questioned by Midi Libre, the regional directorate of civil aviation, in Toulouse, recalls that "lThe noise pollution generated by air traffic linked to the Montpellier Méditerranée aerodrome constitutes a subject taken very seriously, to which the State authorities (prefecture, DSAC Sud) and the operators (operator of Montpellier airport (AMM), users of the aerodrome) pay very close attention. This topic is "in particular discussed in detail within the framework of the Environmental Advisory Commissions (CCE) met annually and chaired by the prefecture of Hérault".

Consultation meetings are organized, "they allow all stakeholders (aeronautical professions, representatives of local residents' associations and environmental protection , elected officials of the territory) to regularly take stock of the subject of noise pollution and to decide collectively on measures aimed at reconciling aeronautical activity with the aspirations of local residents.& nbsp;The last meeting was held last February. It made it possible to take stock of the year 2023.

The number of complaints falling

According to the data presented during this meeting, "the number of complaints made by local residents has been constantly decreasing since 2020". It was 157 in 2023, compared to 214 in 2020. "The claims concern both commercial aviation and light aviation, and are brought mainly (two thirds of the complaints) by local residents living in the communes of Lattes and Bouzigues, specifies Civil Aviation.

“We cannot completely eliminate the impact of leisure activities”

Emmanuel Brehmer, chairman of the board of directors of the companyé Montpellier Méditerranée airport, does not fail to react to the complaints of the mayors of Lattes and Pérols. " We are well aware of the nuisances that arise from light aviation movements, he says. For three years, we have implemented everything we can do to reduce their scope and their impact on local residents. He recalls that “the laps wereé reduced" and that aerobatic activities "have beené pushed back" far from urbanized areas close to the airport platform. In addition, during the summer season, "certain time slots wereé limited to the least noisy devices. However, he does not hide a form of helplessness. "However, we cannot completely remove the impact of leisure activities", which are those generated by flying clubs. The latter represent, over one year, in Montpellier, more than 80,000 rotations, compared to 17,000 rotations for commercial aviation.< /p>

The latter recognizes that "light aviation is, in Montpellier, the activity which generates the most annual movements". But, since 2017, we have observed a "overall decrease" of the number of their movements: 82,069 movements in 2017 for 56,074 movements in 2023. That is a drop of 32%. "What we need is to toughen up our tone", insists Cyril Meunier. Which begs the question: "does it make sense to have a flying club next to an urban area ?&quot ;.

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