“Moral violence committed by a teacher”: she begins a hunger strike in front of the Rectorate of Montpellier

“Moral violence committed by a teacher”: she begins a hunger strike in front of the Rectorate of Montpellier

Selon Fanny, ses deux enfants ont été victimes de ce professeur, qui est un ancien boulanger. Midi Libre – GIACOMO ITALIANO

Une maman d’élève a entamé une grève de la faim devant le Rectorat, y passant même la nuit de lundi à mardi, pour dénoncer les violences morales qu’un professeur du lycée Georges-Frêche, à Montpellier, ferait subir à ses élèves.

Fanny is the parent of two students at Georges-Frêche high school, located in Millénaire. "A teacher, who is a former baker, regularly exercises moral violence on students, she protests. These are insults, threats, bullying, vexatious comments. The tragedy is that he has been teaching for fourteen years."

"My son who is in his final year had this teacher for the first two years of his professional bakery-pastry baccalaureate, and my daughter currently has him in the first year of his CAP bakery course. They were both damaged by what they experienced. Other students drop out. There are only four left out of the ten who were present at the start of the year, even if others arrived along the way.

“The students are fortunately very supportive of each other, but that's all they have left since the adults don't help them. Other parents reported the problem, but management responded that we were the problem, and that this teacher was inspected. Which obviously means nothing."

If she wants to "remain optimistic", Fanny regrets "the lack of tools in the face of a dysfunctional professor. Especially since I am told of many examples of this type in other establishments."

The student's mother was received on Monday March 25 by the deputy director of the rector's office to take stock of her situation. The rectorate advocates "dialogue". "I asked for a round table with all the people concerned, and I must be received again this Tuesday, March 26 in the afternoon", concludes Fanny.

"It's time to come out of denial"

On Facebook, Fanny wrote a text to describe the essence of her thoughts: "Everything that is sick in society ends up in our schools. All family problems create waves that crash at the feet of teachers.
The teachers are admirable, working in difficult conditions with many obstacles preventing them from doing the job well.
This is without mentioning the cases of violence in certain schools and the dissolution of authority.
Then there is a teacher who may be fragile or unhealthy, commenting on terrible damage to his students, which could lead to tragedy.
Several questions therefore arise:
Are students and parents heard when they denounce recurring acts of mistreatment??
How to reconcile the duty of confidentiality of teachers and educational staff witnesses with the requirements associated with a situation of moral harassment?
Is the inspection of a teacher always able to demonstrate perverse behavior?
The harassment of a teacher towards his students is a reality, it is time to come out of denial."

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