New government: after Michel Barnier's announcements, find out if you risk being affected by a tax increase

Tax increases are feared by all taxpayers. Even though Michel Barnier said he only wanted to increase taxes for the richest, he is rather vague about what households are likely to be affected by in the coming months. Billions need to be found and some tax households may fear a loss of their purchasing power.

You earn €2,800 or more? Ouch, you are probably affected by an increase in your taxes. This Sunday evening, September 22, Michel Barnier, the new Prime Minister announced, during the France 2 news, that he would increase taxes for the richest. He remained rather vague about the extent to which those who would be affected by the increase in income tax would be affected.

Poor under 1,000 euros;

According to INSEE figures, relayed by the Observatory of Inequality, 30% of households are modest in France. 20% are considered rich. This leaves one in two households that are part of the middle class. Also according to INSEE, 45% of taxpayers contribute to tax. Today, it is not easy to maintain these figures because the latest data collected dates from 2021. We can, perhaps, take into account the rise in inflation and revise some of these figures. So we would be part of the middle class today with an income between 1,600 and 3,000 euros. Of course we will talk about net income.

In any case, under 1,000 euros one is considered poor by experts. From 1,550 euros one belongs to the working class, above 2,800 euros one is in the middle class and above 3,800 euros we count among the rich. To obtain these results, we take into account income from work, salaries, income from assets, but also rents received when you are a homeowner as well as social benefits and family allowances.

Who will pay ?

The taxpayers who could feel concerned by this tax increase, so feared by households and decried by part of the political class, are therefore single people who earn 2,800 euros, couples without children who earn more than 4,200 euros; and couples with two children who earn more than 7,000 euros. It should be noted that INSEE considers that a couple is in the middle class when they have a net source of income of between 2,300 euros and 4,200 euros every month. The same couple is rich from 5,800 euros. If they have two children, they will remain in the middle class between 3,800 euros and 7 000 €.

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