New Prime Minister: “I renew my full support for Bernard Cazeneuve”, assures socialist Carole Delga
|Carole Delga plaide en faveur de Bernard Cazeneuve à Matignon. Midi Libre – Michael Esdourrubailh
Carole Delga clearly shows her preference for Matignon. Thierry Beaudet ? She appears surprised.
It is in “a context of a return to school without a Prime Minister and without a Minister of Education", or resigning, and, “the day after regional elections in Germany which confirm the rise of populism in Europe", that the President of the Occitanie Region Carole Delga spoke to the press this Monday.
To present her analysis on the current unprecedented political situation:“The impatience of the people of France has turned into exasperation” she thus estimated, calling for the creation of a”60~em> “government breaking with the Macronist, left-wing, action-oriented policy, which will prioritize social justice and ecological transformation”.
“Esteem and respect”
And if there is a man she sees embodying this project, it’is indeed Bernard Cazeneuve : “Even though I also mentioned the names of Karim Bouamrane, Yannick Jadot, Cécile Duflot or Johanna Rolland, for example, I think he could be the right Prime Minister to lead this policy. I have a lot of esteem and respect for Bernard Cazeneuve. He is a man of the left, with socialist values firmly rooted in his body. And I renew my full support for her" she assured resolutely.
Referring to what she called "the unworthy sequence" in Blois, when, as part of the PS summer universities, "a handful of activists, just a handful but a handful too many, booed Karim Bouamrane and Bernard Cazeneuve, without the PS leadership reacting".
The “universalist values” of the PS
A management and a first secretary, Olivier Faure, to whom she asks, in line with all those who embody her opposition (from Michaël Delafosse to Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol), with even more force since Blois,“to have a firm and clear word, devoid of any ulterior motive of political agreement. And to be equally firm on remarks with anti-Semitic connotations, and on communitarianism that we will never endorse. This line with certain LFI is unacceptable. The PS must remain faithful to its universalist values", Carole Delga asserted.
"Matignon was not offered to me"
Before returning to the news regarding the appointment of a Prime Minister, to state that "Matignon was not offered to me, no". And to evade when asked if she could join a Cazeneuve government: “We are in such a field of uncertainty that I am not going to respond to multiple hypotheses”.
Thierry Beaudet and his "lack of experience"
On the other hand, on the possibilities of Xavier Bertrand or Thierry Beaudet, she does not hesitate. If she says she appreciates the first as "Regional President, with whom I have good relations, and who, like me, is concerned with fighting the extreme right", she considers that his choice "does not correspond to the expectations of the French", and to the lessons to be learned from the results of the legislative elections.
She also knows the second, "from his mutualist responsibilities, when I was Secretary of State for Trade and Crafts. He is a man of quality but I am still very surprised. He has never been elected, and for the position of Prime Minister, I still think that his lack of experience is very penalizing".
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