Newly appointed, the new president of Ciivise Sébastien Boueilh is already resigning

Newly appointed, the new president of Ciivise Sébastien Boueilh is already resigning

Sébastien Boueilh quitte déjà la Ciivise. Youtube – Capture d'écran

Cette décision intervient alors que la vice-présidente de la Commission indépendante sur l'inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants, Caroline Rey-Salmon, s'est mise en retrait hier après une plainte à son encontre pour agression sexuelle. 

La Civiise in the middle of a storm. While the vice-president of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children, Caroline Rey-Salmon, announced her withdrawal yesterday after a complaint against her for sexual assault, the new president of the commission of inquiry, Sébastien Boueilh, has just announced his resignation this Thursday, February 8.

This resignation comes a few days after Sébastien Boueilh took office. S'estimating "the target of slander and personal attacks, the former rugby player also declared that "the commission made the & rsquo;object of controversies which do not allow the serenity necessary to carry out its missions.

The government "takes note"

The government "takes note of the resignation" and < em>"will bring together stakeholders in the sector in the coming weeks to study the follow-up to the commission", responded the Ministry of Health.

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