“No one came to take her blood or take her constants”: a sixty-year-old dies after 10 hours of waiting in a hospital

“No one came to take her blood or take her constants”: a sixty-year-old dies after 10 hours of waiting in a hospital

Il ne s'agirait pas d'un cas isolé. capture d'écran Google street views

Une retraitée de 66 ans est décédée après avoir patienté 10 heures aux urgences de l'hôpital Simone Veil d'Eaubonne. Ses enfants ont porté plainte pour non-assistance à personne en danger.

The 66-year-old retiree had a fall at the beginning of December and broke her arm. Her son then took her to the emergency room of the Simone Veil Hospital in Eaubonne where the sixty-year-old came out " with a & ;nbsp;splint, but no prescription for painkillers or check-up appointment" says her daughter. 

At the end of December the retiree can no longer get up. His son then discovered that his legs had doubled in size and called the SAMU. The woman explains that she is also having trouble breathing.

She was taken to the same hospital and arrived 30 minutes later. She then complained of severe stomach pains and was given Tramadol (an opioid painkiller) without seeing any doctor. This will be the only care she will have in 10 hours of waiting, explains her daughter present on the scene: "When I ;#39;I asked the nurse if he had any idea of ​​my mother's pathology, he told me that it wasn't ' “I didn't guess,” and he couldn't see inside my mother's blood. But no one came to take his blood or take his constants", reports France 3.

Almost 10 hours after her admission, she was finally taken care of but forty minutes later, a doctor announced to the sixty-year-old's children that she had died of cardiac arrest.

"The patient did not show signs of seriousness upon arrival"

The Eaubonne Hospital expressed itself in a press release explaining that the team had to "had to manage several vital emergencies simultaneously in the hospitalization departments during the night from Wednesday to Thursday, which monopolized part of the medical staff" and  "The patient did not present any signs severity upon arrival requiring prioritization of care. Its constants were carried out and plotted regularly."

The retiree's daughter decided to file a complaint for "failure to assist a person in danger&quot ; at the Roissy-en-France gendarmerie. This Monday, February 12, she returned to the emergency room to retrieve her mother's medical records and understand the reasons for the death. She came out empty-handed, the hospital asking her to wait at least 8 days before having the file, according to France 3.

Several complaints had been filed against the medical structure after the death of several patients. In its press release, the Eaubonne Hospital specified that it was aware of only one complaint against its emergency department.< /p>

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