On his Clé des Champs farm, Bruno and Valérie Molines raise sheep and cows for their meat

On his Clé des Champs farm, Bruno and Valérie Molines raise sheep and cows for their meat

Dans sa ferme, Bruno Molines possède 30 vaches tarentaises. Bruno Molines

On his Clé des Champs farm, Bruno and Valérie Molines raise sheep and cows for their meat

Bruno Molines élève son bétail sur 550 hectares. Bruno Molines

The couple of breeders produce lamb, sheep and beef on the Causse Méjean.

Since 2006, Bruno Molines, his wife Valérie and their two children aged 18 and 12, have been based on the Causse Méjean, in Montbrun, where the breeder bought a second farm after having already rented eight years earlier in the Cévennes National Park. 

Today, 80 Suffolk cross ewes and 30 Tarentaise cows live on 550 hectares. They are not used to produce milk but to end up as meat. This is the specialty of the Clé des Champs farm: milk-fed lamb and grass-fed meat, sheep sausage and merguez but also beef steaks.< /p>

Autonomous production of hay and cereals

« We sell to individuals in Lozère, in < em>le Gard and l’Hérault, not aux butchers, nor aux restaurants », specifies Bruno Molines. He and his wife have always produced the hay and cereals they need to feed their herds on their land using organic farming. If the period is very calm in winter on the sales side, the couple of farmers take care of their livestock and attend the birth of the lambs which should take place in the coming weeks. His homemade meat business will resume in March.

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