One hundred and eighty people march in the streets of Mende to demand the withdrawal of the Immigration law

One hundred and eighty people march in the streets of Mende to demand the withdrawal of the Immigration law

La compagnie de théâtre “Un, deux, trois… Soleils !” a ouvert le cortège. Midi Libre – Lucas Manouvrier

At the call of several unions and collectives, Lozère demonstrators toured the city chanting "Lozère, land of welcome", this Saturday, January 20, at the end of morning.

The Senate then the National Assembly voted, about a month ago, on the Immigration law proposed by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. A law that is far from unanimous. To express their dissatisfaction, around 180 Lozériens gathered at Place du Foirail, this Saturday, January 20, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., before going on a city tour. In total, there are ten unions and collectives – the CGT, the FSU, Solidaires, the PFC, RESF, the FCPE, Attac, France insoumise, the CFDT and Europe Ecology the Greens – who launched the call to demonstrate, to demand the withdrawal of the Immigration law. 

"Law of Shame"

Before starting the march, Guillaume Martin, departmental secretary of the CGT, justified the action: "This law puts places a system leading to a serious precariousness of the right to stay and allows for the criminalization of immigrant status. It's a law of shame. She is xenophobic by equating immigration with insecurity." Before explaining that the voted text is in opposition to republican values. The Constitutional Council will render its decision on the regularity of the text this Thursday, January 25.

Throughout the stroll, the Mendoise theater company "Un, deux, trois… Soleils!", very committed, opened the procession. Chanting "Lozère, welcoming land". Because, according to the demonstrators, this department, although the least populated in France, has always shown solidarity in favor of vulnerable populations. 

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