Only happiness for the participants in the 15th hike who will be familiar with the height differences in St-Pons-la-Calm

Only happiness for the participants in the 15th hike who will be familiar with the height differences in St-Pons-la-Calm

In 2023 the event attracted 1200 participants. DR – DR

The ASBM Cyclo is in fact organizing on Sunday January 21, 2024 the 15th edition of this walk which is doubly certified All-Terrain Green Label. In 2023 the event attracted 1,200 participants. of the ASBM Cyclo Gilbert Deloge hopes that it will be the same next Sunday.

The Bagnols-sur-Cèze Marcoule Cyclo Sports Association invites lovers of cycling and/or walking to breathe the fresh air of happiness on the village's hiking trails of Saint-Pons-la-Calm located 9 kilometers south of Bagnols-sur-Cèze. The ASBM Cyclo is indeed organizing Sunday 21  January 2024 the 15th edition of this doubly certified Green Label All Terrain walk. What happiness! In 2023 the event attracted 1,200 participants.

Sunday escape

The president of the ASBM Cyclo Gilbert Deloge hopes that the crowds will be there again next Sunday. Needless to say, this beautiful Sunday escape allows cyclists and walkers to get to grips with the slopes. The hike will take place over three mountain bike circuits 18, 23, 40 and 50 kilometers. A 10 and 18 km walking trail is also offered in the Le Pin sector.

Useful instructions

L'ASBM Cyclo reminders some useful instructions relating to route layouts. They cannot be borrowed before Sunday January 21 unless agreed with the owner of the areas crossed. The circuits offered present different levels of physical demand, from sporting to family to discovery. In all cases of the figures, the organization has ensured that the participants in this  15th hike "Only happiness" take in the sight.

Participants are asked to prefer online registration at "HELLOASSO". It's less expensive, it simplifies the organization and in particular the supplies. These are insured  until 2 p.m. on all routes and at the finish. Bring your own cup. Information at  06 58 49 73 20 (for mountain biking) and at 06 78 71 80 18 (pedestrian)

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