Outgoing president of the Society for Historical and Scientific Studies, Gustave Brugidou has the history and DNA of Sète in his blood

Outgoing president of the Society for Historical and Scientific Studies, Gustave Brugidou has the history and DNA of Sète in his blood

In sixteen years of presidency, Gustave Brugidou will have left his mark on the Society for Historical and Scientific Studies of Sète and its region. Midi Libre – NICOLAS ZARROUK

Outgoing president of the Society for Historical and Scientific Studies, Gustave Brugidou has the history and DNA of Sète in his blood

Gustave Brugidou, un lien intime et familial avec la ville de Sète et son histoire. Midi Libre – Patrice Espinasse

Après 16 ans de présidence, Gustave Brugidou quitte la Société d'études historiques et scientifiques de Sète et sa région, qu'il a grandement contribué à réveiller, développer et faire rayonner.

He readily admits that when he has a bone in front of him, he gnaws it to the end. God knows if he has eaten away at Gustave Brugidou in sixteen years! At the head of the Society for Historical and Scientific Studies of Sète and its region, the lively and slender president was nourished by what he loves most: Sète and its history.

So, since 2008, he has been served: the 350 years of the port, the 350 years of the city… But the president was not content to rely on the & #39;news and to promote it. He increased his contacts and launched a host of initiatives, from the renovation of the Notre-Dame de la Salette chapel to the commemoration of the Exodus, which enabled the Society to change of dimension. "He created an extraordinary dynamic thanks to his human and relational qualities. And with, in particular, the Saturdays of the history of Sète and a package of conferences, he gave it new impetus", observes his friend Michel Ségura.< /p>

"He has the history of the city deeply rooted in him"

From a few members at the end of the 2000s, the society has today grown to nearly 200 member families. "The presidents changed every one or two years, remembers Gustave Brugidou. Nobody registered in the duration. They didn't throw me out and apparently they wanted to keep me for a long time!"

Travel companion since 2008, Louis Bessière explains the passion that drives his president. "He's a lover of Sète. He has the history and life of the city very deeply rooted in him. The slightest thing, the slightest clue that might seem insignificant in the eyes of many, is of great importance to him. In his research, he goes all the way and that sometimes leads very far!"

The tomb of Barrou and the Mourners of the marine cemetery

Photographer Ernest Puerta recalls his meeting with the great history lover, this "beautiful friendly and heritage adventure". The duo did some great things. "Gustave is the main locomotive. He awakened sleeping Beauty with passion, will and perspective. Today, the Society is recognized and many people bring us plans, documents…"

Gustave Brugidou's connection with his city draws on deep family roots. The paternal branch goes back to the creation of the Singular Island. Her great-great grandmother is buried in the small Barrou cemetery.

Pedicure-podiatrist for 32 years rue Barbusse

Last Sète descendant of the Amadou-Herial family, he fights to save from the effects of time the Chapel of the Pleureuses, family vault and architectural masterpiece of the marine cemetery, built in 1881. "Sète, it's my life. When I got my state diploma, I was offered a teaching position in Paris. I declined to stay in the navy."

A chiropodist-podiatrist for 32 years at 15 rue Barbusse, a pioneer in the use of the Carte Vitale, Gustave Brugidou has his feet doubly anchored in his city: with Hélène, his wife, he shares a common ancestor in the 11th generation ! "Since it's a port, Sète is a melting pot, a formidable city where there have always been complainers, rousigous and political squabbles and one of which part of the population is very conservative."

The lost dream of a public aquarium at the breakwater

Passionate about new technologies, keen on reading and aquariums – ah, this "crazy project" public aquarium that he dreamed of creating at the breakwater! – Gustave Brugidou could have been an eternal president. Knighted. Oversolicited. This "meticulous, tenacious, perfectionist and demanding" today prefers to bow out.“It's been 16 years of hyperactivity, joys, great encounters. It brought me a lot, fulfilled me and allowed me to experience something else."

This Friday  January 26, a page will be turned at the learned Society. Can we imagine the young septuagenarian going from admiral to simple sailor after having done so much, given so much ? "I presided over the Society with great pleasure and passion. I regret nothing. But they relied on me a lot and it was starting to take a toll."

This will not prevent Gustave Brugidou from continuing his research on the history of Sète and what fascinates him: the wine trade, the dicks of wine ;mooring, the old press, the little stories from the morning cemetery… But also"reopen boxes in the archives that have never been opened since they were created and find nuggets". Like the one unearthed by the Society for its presidency one day in 2008.

Jean-Renaud Cuaz’s turn to carry the torch

Founded in 1963 by a group of archaeologists, scientists, researchers and history enthusiasts, the Society for Historical and Scientific Studies of Sète and his region will therefore have a new president this Friday, January 26 in the evening: Jean-Renaud Cuaz.

Author and editor-typographer, this Sétois by birth and heart has just taken over the editions L'An tomorrow. During confinement, just before the centenary of the poet's birth. he had created a typographic script from the writing of Georges Brassens. He will be officially inducted at the end of the general assembly of the association, which will take place at 5:30 p.m., at the Regional House of the Sea.

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