Paris 2024: the Olympic Games told by Béziers sports personalities

Paris 2024: the Olympic Games told by Béziers sports personalities

French swimmer Léon Marchand, already a triple gold medalist, impressed Manon Bernard and Bernard Fages. MAXPPP – Richard Ellis

Paris 2024: the Olympic Games told by Béziers sports personalities

Bernard Fages, président des Béziers Angels. Midi Libre – Michael Esdourrubailh

Paris 2024: the Olympic Games told by Béziers sports personalities

Manon Bernard, capitaine des Béziers Angels. Midi Libre – SYLVIE CAMBON

Paris 2024: the Olympic Games told by Béziers sports personalities

Jean-Michel Vidal, président de l’ASBH ML

Paris 2024: the Olympic Games told by Béziers sports personalities

Clément Angely, capitaine de l’ASBH. ML

Quatre personnalités du sport à Béziers racontent leurs relations avec les Jeux Olympiques. Leurs premiers souvenirs, leurs meilleurs et leurs pires moments.

Bernard Fages, president of the Béziers Angels:

"Obviously, I follow the Olympic Games, especially volleyball because I am a fan of this sport. I watch the men's selection as much as the women's selection. Otherwise, as I am retired and I am interested in all sports, I watch a bit of everything: fencing, BMX, swimming, judo, 3-a-side basketball, handball… ;hellip;

What I find extraordinary is that the halls and stadiums are full. There is a crazy atmosphere, everyone seems happy. Our Secretary General was there for three days, and he confirmed to us that these were extraordinary moments that were taking place in Paris.

I have always watched the Olympics, since I was young, it is a competition that is unique in its kind. It is followed by 3.5 billion people around the world, it is the event. We see extraordinary things: exceptional athletes, small countries that fight as best they can with their means… This mix of populations is impressive.

My worst memory is the attack on the Israeli team at the Munich Olympics in 1972. The best, I would say there are two: Carl Lewis's 100m, it was extraordinary, and Michael Phelps winning eight gold medals in Beijing. If we want to be chauvinistic, I would add our swimmer Léon Marchand and the French rugby sevens team, which brought together 80,000 people at the Stade de France in a crazy atmosphere. It was a great moment.

The opening ceremony was superb overall with some great moments. Everyone was smiling, and everyone was happy to support the French. I think it's something we didn't expect after these heartbreaking moments that we've experienced."

Jean-Michel Vidal, president of the ASBH :

“The Olympic Games are a very nice competition to watch. There are some little-known sports that we perhaps watch a little less, but overall it is a global event that should not be missed. Honestly, I don't remember the first time I watched the Olympics. I would say that my first memory goes back to Mark Spitz who won the seven gold medals in 1972, in Munich. I was marked by athletes like him, who dominated their discipline. The older ones will remember Colette Besson. Finally Marie-José Perrec who transcended the French in a discipline where we didn't win at the time.

My best memory is with Marie-José Perrec, in the 200 and 400m, we weren't at the top, and she won several Olympic gold medals. The worst ? I don't know, she's a sticky one. I'll say that I only have good memories of the Olympic Games (Laughs).

At these 2024 Paris Olympics, I found that Antoine Dupont was a phenomenon. He adapts to everything, he has an extraordinary vision of the game, he anticipates everything. Of course, you never win alone in rugby, but he brought a surplus, at least confidence, and, at key moments, he scored, or made others score tries. He is the best player in the world, he is recognized as such, I did not think he would assimilate rugby sevens so quickly. I take my hat off to him, as well as to the whole team. I do not particularly follow the discipline, but these Olympics, in France, pleased me a lot. They allow us to realize that in France, when we prepare properly, we are as strong as the others. As the host country, all the disciplines were able to work, more than usual. When we want, we can!"

Manon Bernard, captain of the Béziers Angels :

"I often watch the Olympic Games, and even more so this year since they are taking place in Paris. I try to follow all sports, as soon as there is a French person I sit in front of my TV.

I don't really know when I started following the Olympics. My parents always watched so I followed them on TV with them. On this edition, I admire Léon Marchand who is achieving something very strong. We can also think of a Teddy Riner who is in his fifth Olympiad, always present to go for the gold. During the last Olympiad, I was also struck by the volleyball players' victory in Tokyo.

I think these Games are the best I have experienced. I'm in Paris, it's not far from my home so I'm going to see a lot of events. It creates very good memories to be able to experience all these moments live. For the worst, I think it's the same: it's telling myself that I trained a lot to participate and that I'm not there…

It's really great to be able to host such a great competition. The events take place in truly incredible locations, especially beach volleyball at the Eiffel Tower, it's a thrill when you go there! The organization is great, in a splendid setting and with a crowd that is committed to the cause of the French, so it's really incredible and special to experience. There's a real craze around this competition. People who follow the sport, and even those who follow it less, are really into it, so it's great. It also shows that France has prepared well for these Olympic Games at home. The opening ceremony wasn't too bad despite the rainy weather. Six kilometers on the Seine, it was unheard of, incredible, impressive.

Clément Ancely, captain of the ASBH

“I have always watched the Olympics, even more so at the moment as it is happening in France, in Paris. In addition, we see sports that are a little out of the ordinary. We are not used to seeing them during the year so I really enjoy watching.

I don't really remember how long I have been following the Olympics, but I know that the French handball players have left a big impression on me. They are always among the best, they have won the gold medal in three of the last four editions, it's crazy. I'm not going to say that it's similar to rugby, but it's a team sport with a lot of similar values, so I always find it great to watch them. Even if they're in a bit of a bad position.

These athletes who gave me the most pleasure at the Olympics. Teddy Riner too. I don't have any bad memories, I hope that won't happen this year with the handball players being eliminated in the first round.

This year, I also found the rugby sevens victory incredible. They announced it from the start and they did it, honestly, it was magnificent to watch. In addition, there was real enthusiasm, the Stade de France was packed, they beat the Fijians in the final. I don't think there was a better scenario.

Even though we are in the middle of preparation, in training, we watch the events on our phones, in our hotel rooms. We saw Léon Marchand's gold medals, the medal of the Biterrois (Anthony Jeanjean, Editor's note) in BMX…

We are very proud to be able to host a competition of this magnitude in France. In sporting terms or off the field, these Games are a success. There was a very beautiful opening ceremony, the events are taking place in legendary sites, it's out of the ordinary. We are living an exceptional moment."

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