Pierre Richard, at the Palais de la mer in Valras-Plage, Saturday February 10: “Look up to keep your head high”

Pierre Richard, at the Palais de la mer in Valras-Plage, Saturday February 10: “Look up to keep your head high”

Pierre Richard reviews his life and leaves ample room for the friendship that nourished these years. JMD Production

One of the French's favorite comedians returns to the stage with his show 'I am there but I am not there', on Saturday February 10 at the Palais de la mer in Valras-Plage. Only one on stage taken from his autobiographical book “Memories of a Distracted”, where he evokes, in particular, his friendships for Moustaki or Nougaro.

On tour in the South of France for his show, a single on stage entitled "I am there but I am not there", the actor Pierre Richard performs at the Palais de the sea of ​​Valras-Plage, Saturday February 10, at 8:30 p.m. Maintenance.

Why this title given to your show, inspired by your book “Memories of a Distracted” ?

It’s a phrase taken off the cuff that seems to me to illustrate my character well. I might as well have titled it “Go and see if I'm there”. People always think I'm somewhere else because of my legendary absent-mindedness.

Do you think you can escape this legend?

This goes back to the title of my first film (Le Distrait, the first feature film he directed, Editor's note) and still remains engraved today. The public continues to conflate a comic film with an absent-minded character. In the end, I prefer that the term distracted rather than bastard be associated with my name.

Pierre Richard, at the Palais de la mer in Valras-Plage, Saturday February 10: “Look up to keep your head high”

Pierre Richard tells his story in this single on stage and evokes his memories, particularly musical ones. JMD Production

But, you see, beyond the legend, it’s reality. I'm a real absent-minded person, it doesn't amuse me because it's a burden. Recently, a taxi driver asked me the same question and he got the answer straight away. When he dropped me off, he had to chase me because I had forgotten my suitcase in his vehicle.

You often have your head in the stars, as you say about the poets you have met ?

Moustaki was a great friend. When I was young, I often slept at his house, in his kitchen. He was a gatherer, a peaceful one who gave me confidence in myself. We are influenced by the people we live with. This was also the case with Nougaro, another great poet, whose neighbor I was in Montmartre and who introduced me to the majesty of jazz. The talent of others enhances you tenfold, you get wonderful things out of it. Perhaps in my style, I am also a poet in gestures and in situations.

Your grandmother Charlotte played an important role in your career, what is your role with your granddaughter, the singer Maë Defays ?

I come from a family of Northern aristocrats on my father's side and Italian workers on my mother's side. My maternal grandmother Charlotte was very forgiving towards me and the only one to defend me when everyone doubted my future. I played no particular role with regard to my granddaughter, I always left my children free to make their own choices.

Maë has obvious natural talent and, unlike me, she is deeply musical. Me,
I was the little blond chick in the duck barnyard, all Polytechnicians, and I freed myself from it.

Pierre Richard, at the Palais de la mer in Valras-Plage, Saturday February 10: “Look up to keep your head high”

Pierre Richard's show is inspired by his autobiographical book "Souvenirs d'un distracted". JMD Production

What do the landscapes of the South bring you which you say are sublime ?

In my long life, I have often been on transhumance. Born in Valenciennes, I lived in Eze at the age of 12, then Beaulieu, Cannes, the Camargue. And for almost 40 years in Aude. I love the Corbières, which correspond to my state of mind, allowing me to evolve in these authentic landscapes which give me greater freedom.

You are also a winegrower, inspired by the current agricultural crisis ?

I definitely feel these issues. I am no longer a city dweller and I understand the deep crisis facing the agricultural and rural world. I am very worried about our environment. The climatic anarchy that we are experiencing also impacts the vine, although it is known to be resistant. But she, too, suffers. I also imagine the difficulties that market gardeners or cereal growers may encounter when faced with these upheavals.

What messages do you want to convey in this show ?

Clumsiness is not an art. I would advise you to make your way without letting yourself be too disturbed by the ambient cacophony and being carried away by the current. I try to resist the tyranny of false emergencies and I invite everyone to look into it. ;air: it’s the best way to keep your head up.

“I'm here but I'm not there”, Saturday February 10, at 8:30 p.m., at the Palais de la mer, 11 boulevard du Commandant-L’Herminier, in Valras-Plage. Ticket office on www.ville-valrasplage.fr. Price: 25 euros, free for under 16s. I subscribe to read more

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