PODCAST “Increasing our presence and prevention”: behind the scenes of the Béziers feria with the head of the municipal police
|Fabrice Cantele, le directeur de la police municipale raconte les coulisses de la feria, côté forces de l’ordre.
Behind the scenes of the Béziers feria in podcast to listen to on midilibre.fr.
Organizing a feria and what is more its security, is not easy.
Fabrice Cantele, the director of the municipal police of Béziers, returns to this organization which is set up as soon as the previous festival ends to be ready to receive the public who will come to enjoy the pleasures of the Béziers festival.
This year, like every year since the director of the municipal police arrived in Béziers, all the staff are involved in the field of the festival that often introduces the city to tourists.
Find the first episode dedicated to the’alguazil by clicking here