Pollution at Pointe Courte, change at the head of Blue Invest… the sea spray and storms of the week

Pollution at Pointe Courte, change at the head of Blue Invest… the sea spray and storms of the week

Short phrases, offbeat news, briefs and other echoes of the city… Find the sea spray and swells of the week in Sète. MIDI LIBRE

Short phrases, offbeat news, briefs and other echoes of the city… Find the sea spray and swells of the week in Sète.

Question on the opening of the toilets at the station

We know that X (ex-Twitter) can be a way to directly question institutions. So the other day @trainficionado contacted SNCF customer service with this question: “Hello”! I just noticed that, since my last visit exactly one year ago, the toilets at Sète station are still being repaired&hellip Um, really ? Are we finally going to find the funds to fix this ? Thanks !"

The answer was not late.

Within the hour, @ClientsGares informed him that "the toilets at Sète station are currently in service. Have a nice day." Should a chief of staff position be created at Sète train station ?

This waste is poisoning life at Pointe Courte

Many people from Sète and holidaymakers frequent the “Pointe Courte stairs”, which connect the Quai Maréchal-Joffre to the Quai du Mistral, passing under the Maréchal-Foch SNCF bridge. Despite all the goodwill of the city's cleaning agents, this passage is too regularly soiled with waste and rubbish of all kinds, putting the place "in a lamentable state", many Sète residents note.

Last weekend, the day after the canteen workers came, the place was found completely polluted with empty worm boxes, plastic bags and other rubbish. The city services and the municipal police have since been notified of the matter…

Sébastien Frey, new co-president of Blue Invest

We remember that the Gilles d'Ettore affair had direct repercussions for Blue Invest. Imprisoned last March, the former mayor of Agde and president of the Agglo Hérault Méditerranée, was forced to give up the position of co-president of the economic attractiveness agency of the territory.

Initially, on April 25, the board of directors of Blue Invest had appointed Armand Rivière (1st vice-president of Hérault Méditerranée) as its co-president. On Tuesday, September 3, the same board of directors elected Sébastien Frey, the new mayor of Agde and president of Hérault Méditerranée, as co-president of the agency. He will serve in this capacity alongside François Commeinhes, mayor of Sète and president of Sète Agglo.

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