Poorly seen by elected officials, teleworking nevertheless comes into force at the Agglo

Poorly seen by elected officials, teleworking nevertheless comes into force at the Agglo

Le trio exécutif de l’agglo : Max Roustan, Christophe Rivenq et Patrick Cathelineau. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Les syndicats CGT et CFDT ont réclamé cette mesure qui est loin de faire l’unanimité chez les élus.

As during the municipal council last Monday, the question of teleworking for the Agglo services was put to the vote during the community council this Thursday evening.

"We have been working on this subject for three years, indicates Yannick Iffernet of the CGT. We wanted one or two days a week. We got one… and possibly in 2025, a year before the municipal elections which could change the situation. We did not want to block the system, but we abstained during the vote before the Territorial Social Committee (CST)".

Inequality between agents, work efficiency, the administration is not favorable to teleworking

The trade unionist judges that the experiment put in place "is not very interesting for the agents. But we still have to discuss it with Patrick Cathelineau, general director of services. More generally, this measure is accompanied by discussions on the four-day week and on grade advancement. This is all going in the right direction. With Christophe Rivenq, the president of Alès Agglo, and Max Roustan, the mayor, we do not always agree but we now maintain peaceful relations."

On the side of the CFDT and Cédric Marrot, it’is "the laborious aspect of the measurement" that we remember. "It’s a subject that has been hanging around since the end of covid. With the CGT, the administration, and the HR department we had worked on a new draft of internal regulations, but it did not come to fruition. The will was there, but the conditions were not met. The CFDT has relaunched negotiations. A new round of discussion was organized, with the CGT joining the discussions. We have obtained this first experiment with teleworking and we must meet again in a year with the authorities to take stock."

If Christophe Rivenq is not enthusiastic about this new form of working at home, it is because he considers the measure unfair: “Nearly 80 % of agents are not eligible for teleworking. It’s not very egalitarian. This is not a social advance for everyone. This is why we initiated discussions on grade advancement and the four-day week. In addition, often technical files with several stakeholders, from various services or other administrations, require constant relationships between agents in order to avoid any error of interpretation. Without counting on the supply of computer equipment, networks…"

The president of Alès Agglo receives unexpected reinforcement…

This Thursday evening, during the community council vote, the president of Alès Agglo received the somewhat surprising reinforcement of Paul Planque, elected PCF: “As I have already said to the municipal council, I share the point of view of the president of Alès Agglo: teleworking is not a social advance. Interactions between agents are essential.”

The measure was nevertheless adopted. “Today, around 25 agents, for various reasons, are teleworking. “It's a first step”, assures Christophe Rivenq.

Couple of agents on a long-distance trip: “everything is validated”

A couple of agents, for several months, carried out a long journey, which took them very far from the metropolis. If one of the agents is available, which clarifies their position, the other has opted to do so. for teleworking, & half-time. Questioned &agrav; This subject, Yannick Iffernet is embarrassed: "I know this person and I will not comment. Within the framework of the national regulations for teleworking, the mayor of Alès and the president of the agglomeration could grant measures , even if we hadn't signed yet. of convention. They have room to maneuver, they are the bosses."

Cédric Marrot responsible for the CFDT, also does not wish to comment on this "special case. What is certain is that this example shows that the system can work. Even far away, you can do your work. If agents were arrested precursors in terms of teleworking, it is thanks to them that we had the opportunity to to put the file on the table."

"I am perfectly à feel comfortable discussing this case, assures Christophe Rivenq, president of Alès Agglo. The agent processes the files à distance. Email exchanges are fluid, the work is effective. We are talking about an activity of three hours per day, since the agent is & half-time. The fact that we authorized the agent à work in this way è given place à the signing of an agreement. There was a stoppage from the mayor à this subject. Everything was done right. On board, everything was ready. validated. À the agglomeration or à at the town hall, we're not used to doing anything."

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