“Population movements in Gaza are linked to the fate of refugees”, 700 people march this Sunday in Montpellier

“Population movements in Gaza are linked to the fate of refugees”, 700 people march this Sunday in Montpellier

Manifestation contre la loi immigration à Montpellier. Midi Libre

Parti de Plan Cabane, le cortège s'est rendu jusqu'à la préfecture pour dénoncer la loi immigration ainsi que le sort des Palestiniens ce dimanche 14 janvier à Montpellier. 

This Sunday, January 14 at 3 p.m., several hundred people gathered at the Plan Cabane stop in Montpellier to protest against the immigration law. At the call of the Human Rights League, the French Communist Party and Solidaire 34, the participants present denounced a text contrary to the principle of fraternity of our country. "This law will harm a lot of foreign students. It's a chance for our country to have diversity in our universities and this law will change everything, explains Emma, ​​a law student at the University of Montpellier. nbsp;

Two events in one

While the first demonstrators set off towards Saint-Roch station, a second procession made up of pro-Palestinian activists followed. "The population movement in Gaza will create migrations towards Europe. The immigration law prevents all populations fleeing the war from being able to find refuge, explains an activist from the BDS Montpellier collective. 

If the two demonstrations took place peacefully, the McDonalds fast-food restaurant on Place de la Comédie came under some criticism from activists. Since the start of the conflict, the brand has been accused by them of complicity with the State of Israel. 

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