Post-parking package: here's how to deduct the amount of your fines from taxes

Post-parking package: here's how to deduct the amount of your fines from taxes

Des amendes qui peuvent être déduites des impôts. Illustration Midi Libre – PIERRE SALIBA

Cela peut paraître surprenant mais le montant de la prune reçue par un automobiliste qui n'avait pas payé de ticket de stationnement est fiscalement déductible dans certaines conditions. 

Parking your car on a street in France can be very expensive. Not to mention if you own an SUV in Paris in a few months… The method of avoiding parking meters is also not effective in saving money since the' 39;fine can be very high depending on the municipalities.

However, it is possible to deduct plums for tax purposes. Explanations.

A reform that allows a deduction

You should know that the reform of paid parking which came into force on January 1, 2018, my MAPTAM law organized the decriminalization and decentralization of paid parking. The public parking service then became a separate responsibility of local authorities. Each community now sets the amount of the post-parking fee (FPS) issued in the event of non-payment or partial payment of the parking fee.

This is why the fines can vary depending on the municipalities, unlike previously the criminal fine which was set at 17 euros.& nbsp;

But this decriminalization nevertheless entails the possibility of deducting the amount of this "prune" taxes under certain conditions.

Conditions for being able to deduct

In fact this amount can be counted in the actual costs. For taxpayers who waive the automatic flat-rate deduction of 10% and who opt for the declaration of actual expenses which includes all expenses linked to travel and vehicle-related costs in the professional context .

And the post-parking fee is considered a parking-related expense and therefore can be declared in the actual costs. It is therefore necessary to keep and provide supporting documents as for all actual costs declared.

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