Prestigious jurists gathered in Unîmes to discuss the environment and innovations

Prestigious jurists gathered in Unîmes to discuss the environment and innovations

Des intervenants prestigieux sont intervenus à Unîmes. ALISSANDRE ALLEMAND – Alissandre Allemand

Succès pour le colloque organisé par l'Université de Nîmes et son unité de recherche Chrome sur la thématique transversale "Innovations et environnement. Les défis lancés aux juristes".

Studious atmosphere this Friday, February 2 at the University of Nîmes on the occasion of the Innovations and environment conference. The challenges posed to lawyers, organized by the Chrome research unit in partnership with the French Association of Doctors of Law (AFDD).

Throughout the day of this Friday, February 2, the prestigious panel of speakers discussed on the one hand, technical innovations having an impact on the environment, whether they generate risks for the environment or on the contrary, put at the service of its protection and on the other hand, to understand some legal innovations, both conceptual and functional, forged in recent decades to respond to certain environmental issues.

Sobriety, an Eldorado ?

Like the opening of the works, under the theme of technical innovations  : risks and opportunities for the environment. With the interventions of Marie Lamoureux, professor at Aix-Marseille University on the subject of innovation and protection in the field of energy. "I am attentive to the forms of conflicts that can arise in the energy transition, even if the latter is eminently important. However, the best way to reduce our impact remains sobriety. And it's obviously everyone's business."

Beside him, on the stage, Loïc Peyen, lecturer at Toulouse Capitole University, spoke on the issues of intellectual property in the field of biodiversity. " Intellectual property focuses on the breeder and/or creator of the patent. But what about the person or state providing the supports ?" < /p>

Societal questions which kept an audience of experts in suspense, literally passionate about the debates which took place during the day, and which made it possible, if necessary, to demonstrate that environmental issues are everyone's business, in all societal spheres and challenge preconceived ideas and postures.

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