Product recall: presence of Listeria for these bacon pieces of different brands sold throughout France

Product recall: presence of Listeria for these bacon pieces of different brands sold throughout France

Les lardons bios de différentes marques sont concernés par ce rappel. MAXPPP – Alexandre MARCHI

Bacon sold by Carrefour have been the subject of a voluntary recall since January 2, 2024 due to the presence of listeria monocytogenes.

As revealed on the government site Rappel Conso, organic bacon from different brands have been recalled for risk of Listeria monocytogenes.

Several products are affected

Marketed between December 29, 2023 and January 2, 2024, the "Lardons nature" and "Smoked bacon" of the brand "The organic breeders" are concerned.

The batch number of "Plain bacon" is 874343 and its GTIN code is 3483190092661.

Product recall: presence of Listeria for these bacon pieces of different brands sold throughout France

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The one with "Smoked bacon" 874346. Its article code is 3483190092678.

Product recall: presence of Listeria for these bacon pieces of different brands sold throughout France

. Consumption reminder screenshot

Sold by Carrefour, Système U, Scachap (Leclerc) and Auchan stores throughout France, the product presents a risk of Listeria.

The second recall concerns "Smoked bacon" and the "Plain bacon" from "Le p'tit bio". They were sold throughout France between December 29, 2023 and January 2, 2024 by the brands Relais Vert, NaturéO, Biofrais.

Product recall: presence of Listeria for these bacon pieces of different brands sold throughout France

. Consumption reminder screenshot

The batch number of "Smoked bacon" is 874345 and its article code is 3483190093972.

Product recall: presence of Listeria for these bacon pieces of different brands sold throughout France

. Consumption reminder screenshot

That of "Plain bacon" 874344 and its article code 3483190093965.

Bring it back to store

If you purchased one of these products, do not consume it and return it to the point of sale where a refund will be made.

If you have consumed one of these products and have symptoms of fever, headache or body aches, consult your doctor and report this consumption. The incubation period for listeriosis, a disease which can be serious, can be up to eight weeks.

"Serious forms with neurological complications and maternal or fetal damage in pregnant women can also sometimes occur." A risk is also incurred for immunocompromised people.

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